Critical Infrastructure Security

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Meter data processing & reporting (MDPR)

About Product

Meter data processing and reporting (MDPR) helps utilities to make energy efficient decisions by understanding the usage pattern thus aiming to improve grid stability. MDPR helps utilities to review the schedule/ drawl patterns in real time. MDPR can be used in the Generation,Transmission and Distribution sector.


  • Meter data processing and reporting (MDPR) helps utilities to make energy efficient decisions by understanding the usage pattern thus aiming to improve grid stability
  • MDPR helps utilities to review the schedule/ drawl patterns in real time. MDPR can be used in the distribution sector also
  • Real Time Data With Diagnostics
  • Real time data visualization acquired from meters
  • Dynamic real time data tables
  • Diagnostics to check health of DCUs and Meters
  • Visualize Alerts and Events
  • Configure the required DCUs to monitor health and monitor the status in real time
  • Create Templates, Real time data table, Health of DCU and meters