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PARAMNet-3 is high performance clusters interconnect developed indigenously by CDAC. With development of PARAMNet-3, CDAC has joined an elite group of system developers worldwide, capable of providing a critical high performance networking component for building supercomputing systems.

Main application of PARAMNet-3 is as a primary interconnect for PARAM Yuva and Yuva-2. Other application areas identified for deployment of PARAMNet-3 are storage and database applications. PARAMNet-3 is also an integral component of HPC solutions offered by C-DAC.

PARAMNet-3 consists of tightly integrated hardware and software components. The hardware components consist of Network Interface Cards (NIC) based on CDAC's fourth generation communication co-processor "GEMINI", and modular 48-port Packet Routing Switch “ANVAY”. The software component "KSHIPRA" is a lightweight protocol stack designed to exploit capabilities of hardware and to provide industry standard interfaces to the applications.


Contact Us

Mr. Atul Bodas
HPC-Technologies Group
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
Pune University Campus,
Ganesh Khind,
Pune - 411 007 India.
Tel: +91-20-2570-4100 Ext. : 329
Fax: +91-20-2569-4004 Email: atulb[at]cdac[dot]in
