
Critical Infrastructure SCADA

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About Product

Critical Infrastructure Security Training Kit (CISTK) is a security training kit embedded with necessary simulated components like Remote terminal units (RTUs), Programmable logic controllers (PLCs), switches, firewalls etc running over single board computers communicating through SCADA protocols integrated with the SCADA Testbed. The training kit addresses the SCADA security training needs, by providing a realistic environment for users to understand attacks on the SCADA environment. Using this kit users can build the required network topology, and realize attack scenarios. Training manuals are provided for CI domain users with different competency levels.


  • Provides the Simulated SCADA network environment.
  • Provides SCADA Protocol Anomaly Detector(SPADE) supporting IEC-104 and MODBUS protocols.
  • Provides red teaming attack stack to realize attacks on the SCADA network and protocol level.
  • Provides the guidelines to build and simulate the network topology from scratch utilizing SCADA components.
  • Provides the enumeration of the network while communicating through SCADA protocols.
  • Training approach is based on the competency level of the security expert.