
Critical Infrastructure Security

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SCADA Netra - SCADA Netra Asset Management Tool for CI Security

About Product

SCADA Netra Asset Management Tool for CI Security is focused towards increasing the visibility into control system assets and monitoring industrial control system networks in hybrid/ non-intrusive mode in real time providing situational awareness, so asset owners can reduce mean time for detection, response, and recovery for any cyber incidents occurring in ICS networks. Asset Management tool is designed without impacting the underlying OT systems by adapting passive (non-intrusive) scanning to scan the devices to maintain inventory.


AMT provides various features which help the control system asset owner to maintain the latest inventory of updated assets along with behavioral based anomaly detection leveraging hybrid/ passive scanning to detect any security incidents.

  • Cyber Assets Identification
  • Hybrid Scanning - combination of active/select probing and passive
  • Identifying protocols used for communication between devices
  • Devices management, discovery and monitoring
  • Creating baseline of the system with continuous scanning
  • Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices
  • Inventory of Approved Software
  • Mapping the asset properties against CVE/NVD
  • Continuously monitors the OT network to detect vulnerabilities
  • Provide a network map with devices and its communication patterns, update this map continuously based onpassive scanning
  • Identification of anomalies in the network