
PARAM Shavak - Supercomputing Solution in a Box

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param shavak machine

PARAM Shavak - Supercomputing Solution in a Box

param shavak machine

Param Shavak machine PARAM Shavak - solution, aims to provide computational resource (Capacity building) with advanced technologies to perform high-end computations for scientific, engineering and academic programs to address and catalyze the research using modelling, simulation and data analysis. This initiative is expected to create HPC aware skilled workforce (Capability building) and for promoting research by integrating leading-edge emerging technologies at grass root level. As the scope and complexity of computational needs continue to increase at colleges   universities, professors and administrators are compelled to seek appropriate and affordable solutions. PARAM Shavak provides the computing power necessary to keep academic institutions on the leading edge in today's competitive market at affordable cost. This system is meant for research organizations and academic institutions that are on the verge of adopting HPC culture in their institutions/organizations. Besides a handful of value additions from C-DAC, the system comes with most of the features that can be found in a full blown HPC clusters job schedulers, compilers, parallel libraries, mpi, resource managers, some of the commonly used HPC applications in engineering   scientific domains etc.


"Watch The PARAM Shavak Video"

(File Format: MP4, Size: 12.6 MB, Date: 17/03/2016, Playing Time: 01.58)



PARAM Shavak Architecture

Param Architecture

The system consists of 2 multicore CPUs each with minimum 12 cores along with two number of accelerator cards. The entire configuration is available in a single server in a table top model. Regardless to the traditional HPC systems/supercomputers, this system does not require specific support infrastructure like precision air-conditioned environment, controlled humidity etc. Also, the accepted sound level is very less when compared to the traditional servers. This brings down the infrastructure cost of the system.


Salient Features

  • Supercomputer in a Box system in a table top model
  • Powered with 2 multicore CPUs each with minimum 12 cores
  • 2 numbers of accelerator cards
  • 3 Tera-Flops peak computing power with 8 TB of storage
  • Easy to deploy solution with no additional datacenter infrastructure
  • Pre-loaded with parallel programming development tools and libraries
  • Preinstalled tools for scheduling and resource management
  • Video Tutorials, learning materials and user manuals etc.
  • Indigenous HPC portal- CHReME
  • Indigenous applications interface - Onama (File Format: .pdf, File Size: 4.23 MB, Date: 24/02/2016)
param shavak


Built-in HPC Applications

  • Bio-informatics: mpiBLAST
  • Molecular Dynamics: GROMACS
  • Materials Science: Quantum Espresso
  • Quantum Chemistry: NWChem, ABINIT
  • Atmospheric and Ocean Modeling: WRF, MOM
  • CFD: Open FOAM


Download PARAM Shavak Brochure

(File Format: PDF, File Size: 530 KB, Date: 05/05/2016)



Contact Us

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind,
Pune: 411007, India
Phone No. : +91-20-25704100,
Fax: +91-20-25691111,
Email: hpcs[at]cdac[dot]in