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IVikaspedia is a DeitY’s initiative for providing e-knowledge and using ICT-based applications for societal empowerment. The initiative is being executed by C-DAC, Hyderabad.
Vikaspedia facilitates societal empowerment through provision of relevant information, products and services in local languages. Building symbiotic partnership with various development stakeholders, multiple modes of delivery of value added content and services (online and offline), use of local languages for content delivery and ensuring pro-poor and pro-women orientation in all the services, are the guiding strategies of the initiative.

Developed as a part of the initiative iswww.vikaspedia.in is a multilingual, multi-sectoral knowledge repository for social development

The multilingual portal, www.vikaspedia.in provides information and services on thematic areas relevant to social empowerment - Agriculture, Education, Health, Social Welfare, Energy and e-Governance. The platform provides an opportunity for development stakeholders to collaboratively create, share and enrich content for the benefit of a wider audience. Information delivery is enabled in all 22 scheduled languages of the country, besides English.

Vikaspedia follows a decentralized Content management system for content on the multilingual portal. An automated content flow process that ensures free flow of relevant, unbiased, value added and authentic content is the key feature of the portal. Various interesting features that aim at providing interactivity and comfortable use by the user communities are also made available. They include discussion fora, opinion polls, content rating, multimedia content, mechanisms for users feedback, Ask an expert, etc. The portal is made mobile and tablet compliant too.

A series of mobile apps that package information of relevance to social development are also made available in the portal. Mobile Apps, Learning Resources, and Online Resources can all be accessed from Vikaspedia portal.