Product Information

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Acoustic and magnetic ranges

Acoustic Range Sensor

The Underwater Noise Range consists of a number of fixed sea bed hydro phones arranged to detect the sounds radiated from a passing surface ship or submarine. The unit is powered by a single DC power supply, measures and digitises the local water pressure & acoustic signals

Magnetic Range Sensor

The multi influential Magnetic sensor is capable of measuring magnetic fields up to ±70 μT. In addition there are hydro phonea and pressure/depth sensors also integrated in the unit. The unit also has a bi-axial inclinometer to measure the roll and pitch of the sensor

Salient Features
  • Measures Acoustic & Magnetic signature of ships
  • Maintains a healthy history database
  • Range commissioned in Goa, during 2004
  • Integrated underwater electronics
  • Subsea fibre optic communication
  • Multichannel differential Global Positioning System
  • Acoustic (noise) ranging
  • Magnetic modelling & degaussing
  • Distributed database

Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

Group Head, 
Strategic Electronics Group
C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram
Phone: +91-471-2723333, 2726721
Fax: +91-471-2722230, 2723456
