Product Information

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Common SMART IOT Connectivity (CoSMiC )

Common SMart iot Connectiv (CoSMiC) is a oneM2M based middleware software that is intended for data sharing between IOT field devices and Applications in different verticals. It ensures interoperability, security, data sharing, and privacy between IOT/M2M ecosystems in Intelligent Transportation System.

Salient Features
  • Single horizontal platform for all IOT/M2M Ecosystem
  • Compliant to oneM2M Global standard
  • Enhanced security and data privacy
  • User management with Single sign on
  • Open standards for communication and data sharing between different application verticals
  • Integration of legacy IOT devices using hardware/software adapters
  • SDKs / APIs to upgrade legacy IOT devices to oneM2M standard
  • Micro service based design for scalable and distributed architecture
  • Provides alarms and alert notifications on device status
  • Management Console, smart dashboard & reports
  • Suitable for docker & cloud based deployments

Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

Section Head, Intelligent Transportation & Networking Section,
C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram
