Product Information

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GAMUT (Genomics bigdAta Management Tool) is a big data-based solution named for variant comparison. Timely analysis of variants viz., Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and Insertions & Deletions (InDels) helps to understand the relationship between genotype and phenotype, which is one of the major goals of biology and medicine. The core principle behind variant comparison is to arrive at a probable list of SNPs that can differentiate two sets of populations with direct applications in array design, genotype imputation, cataloging of variants in regions of interest, and filtering of likely neutral variants. It employs MongoDB at the back-end and JSF with PrimeFaces as the front-end. It is readily deployable on a wild-fly server.


Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

HPC-MBA (High Performance Computing – Medical and Bioinformatics Applications) Group

Email: rajendra[at]cdac[dot]in

Address: HPC-M&BA Group

C-DAC Innovation Park,

Panchavati, Pashan,

Pune - 411 008, Maharashtra (India)

Phone: +91-20-25503100
