Product Information

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High Performance web based Map Platform and API

Map platform enables GIS functionalities and location based services for an existing system.

Use Cases
  • Geocoding - Service to convert place names into geo-coordinates
  • Reverse Geocoding - Service to convert geo-coordinates into place names
  • Distance Calculation - Service to find driving distance between two places.
  • Direction & Routing - Service to find best routes between locations.
  • Static Map API - Service to get snapshot of map of a location at a particular zoom with defined width and height.
Salient Features
  • Provide web based map view to visualize the GIS data loaded in the platform for applications which require map visualization such as vehicle tracking, smart cities, planning and decision making, spatial analytics etc.
  • Organization of GIS data based on layered approach for better classification of data.
  • Provide API services such as
  • Spatial Search to search places or land marks or any spatial entities in an area.
  • Calculation of radial and driving distance between places and indicate the approximate travel time required.
Technical Specifications

  • Map Engine - The map engine generates the map view and loads the map images in browser. The product has a tile based approach to create map view to provide better performance and faster loading time. The map view can be integrated in any web based application to enable the GIS features. It includes basic features such as zoom and pan

Search and Routing engines

  • Spatial Search - It provides GIS based search facility to find and filter various spatial entities in the map.
  • Places Autocomplete - It provides facility for auto drop down and suggestion of places, roads, PoI in the search box.
  • Direction and Routing - This functionality helps to search various routes between two places and suggests the best route with minimum travel time.
  • Map Snapshot - This helps to download the map image of an area at given width and height and zoom level.



Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

Group Head
Communication and Software Technology Group,
C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram
Phone: +91-471-2723333, 2726721
Fax: +91-471-2722230, 2723456,
