Product Information

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e-RaktKosh is a national platform for information about Blood Banks and Blood availability across India under the initiative of Blood Cell, National Health Mission, Ministry of Health and Family welfare , Govt of India. It is an official portal for all blood related services in India. More than 2800 blood banks from 36 States and UTs across the country are using e-RaktKosh application for their day-to-day activities or for blood stock updation.

The application has become a one- stop solution for the blood banks and the patients who are in need of blood and blood related products.  It is extensively used by the citizen for its requirements related to blood, finding out the location of blood banks, and maintains their donation repository etc. Since e-RaktKosh is also integrated with various statewide blood bank solutions, it has become a single repository for blood and blood related products, blood donation camps, donor repository etc.

The e-RaktKosh application has also been integrated with Paytm and Arogya Setu for Blood Stock enquiry.

Use Cases
  • Citizen Centric Portal for Blood Stock, Blood Bank, Blood Donation Camp Information and Donor Registration.
  • E-RaktKosh Mobile App for Blood Stock, Blood Bank, Blood Donation Camp Information and Donor Registration.
  • Centralized Blood Bank Management System
  • Online Blood Request
Salient Features
  • Donor Pledge-National Donor Database
  • National Donor Certificate
  • Enforcing Mechanism – to ensure compliance with SOP
  • Chatbot
  • Anywhere, Anytime Access
  • Configurable to support varied size & flow of Blood Banks, Storage Units
  • Integration with UMANG, Arogya Setu , PayTM etc
  • Compliances to various standards including EHR Standards 2016
  • Generation of Alerts, Dashboards and MIS reports
Technical Specifications

  • Cloud enabled application running of  Wildfly Application server and using  PosgreSQL database
  • Open APIs for integration with various other applications
  • Rich User Interface



Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

Health Informatics Group
