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Design, Development & Implementation of Web Portal and Project Management System for ‘Chips to Startup (C2S) Programme’

In line with the objective and vision of NPE-2019, an umbrella programme "Chips to Startup(C2S)" has been initiated by MeitY which not only aims at developing Specialized Manpower in VLSI/Embedded System Design domain but also addresses each entity of the Electronics value chain via Specialized Manpower training, Creation of reusable IPs repository, Design of application-oriented Systems/ASICs/FPGAs and deployment by academia/R&D organization by way of leveraging the expertise available at Startups/MSMEs.

The programme would be implemented at about 100 academic institutions/R&D organizations across the Country. Besides them, Startups and MSMEs can also participate in the programme by submitting their proposals under Academia- Industry Collaborative Project, Grand Challenge/Hackathons/RFP for development of System/SoC/IP Core(s).

The Project Proposals for seeking financial support may be submitted by Academia/R&D Organizations/Startup/MSMEs in the areas such as Energy & environment / Healthcare / Agriculture / Disaster management / Intelligent Transport System / Emerging Technology / Safety & Security/Strategic etc. in three project categories as per details given at.Project proposal “Design, Development and Implementation of Portal and Project Management System for ‘Chips to Startup (C2S) Programme’ ”

The project proposals would be submitted online at C2S website https://www.c2s.gov.in/ in the prescribed format of MeitY. The institutions applying under the programme should meet the eligibility criteria defined at website and should be in line with the proposals guidelines. After submission of proposals online at C2S portal, proposals would be evaluated by Evaluation Committee and based on their recommendation, the proposals would be considered for financial support.

The information regarding C2S programme will be posted on to C2S website. Also, the online application titled “Project Management System” will be implemented for effective management of proposals starting from online submission to completion of the project.

Use Cases
  • Institutions/ Organizations can submit their project proposals online to the Program Coordination Institute (PCI).
  • Program Coordination Institute (PCI) can evaluate the submitted project proposals online.
Salient Features
  • The Application has been audited by Cert-In empanelled Security Audit Service provider.
  • The Application has been hosted in secure cloud infrastructure (separate VMs for Web as well as Database).
  • The Application has been made responsive using Bootstrap framework.
  • Integrated with e-Pramaan and Email Services.
Technical Specifications

Front-End – HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap3

Back-End – Spring3, Java8

Database – MySQL8



Chief Investigator Details

Naveen Kumar Jain, Sr. Director & Centre Head, C-DAC Delhi, nkjain@cdac.in
