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Development & Maintenance of Web Portal for Design Submission Package to Chip Centre under SMDP-C2SD

Development of a dynamic, robust, interactive & user friendly SMDP-C2SD web portal. Development of an application for the participating institutions to submit their design packages online for fabrication. Development of an application for the participating institutions to online submit their progresses and achievements pertaining to Chips 2 Systems Design. Development of an application for the participating institutions to online register themselves to participate in IEPs/ ZOPP workshops/ Short Term Courses/ Conferences/ Seminars to be organized under Chips 2 Systems Design. Development of an online discussion forum facilitating participating institutions to discuss & share their knowledge & information pertaining to Chips 2 System Design.

Use Cases
  • Participating Institutions can submit their designed packages for fabrication online from their own location through their own device.
  • Participating Institutions can submit their project progress reports & achievements online from their own location through their own device.
  • Participating Institutions can register themselves to attend & participate in various IEPs/ ZOPP workshops/ Short Term Courses/ Conferences/ Seminars being organized under the Chips 2 System Design.
  • Participating Institutions can initiate seamless online discussions for sharing & dissemination of various important information & knowledge pertaining to Chips 2 System Design.
Salient Features
  • The Application has been audited from the Cert-In empanelled Security Audit Service provider.
  • The Application has been hosted in Govt. cloud infrastructure (separate VMs for Web as well as Database) for security concerns.
  • The Application has been made responsive using Bootstrap framework.
  • Users have their own dashboard showing graphical statistics of their data submitted.
Technical Specifications

Front-End – HTML5, CSS3, BootStrap3

Back-End – Struts 2, Java 1.8

Database – MySQL 5



Chief Investigator Details

Naveen Kumar Jain, Sr. Director & Centre Head, C-DAC Delhi, nkjain@cdac.in
