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Web-based Integrated Information Management and Digitization of Old Records Including Retrieval System for Special Branch, Kolkata Police

Special Branch, Kolkata Police has a huge collection of records of confidential nature some of which are very old, damaged having poor legibility. The records needed to be digitally preserved for the progeny. These documents were required to be digitally preserved in electronic media. In order to stream line the functionality of the Special Branch, an efficient storage, search and retrieval system has also been provided.

Special Branch also gathers confidential reports, intelligence about different topics and information. The branch used to document and preserve the gathered information in the form of Daily Notes. These notes were prepared, approved, filed and preserved manually. Each of the sections of the branch maintains records within the section in a decentralized fashion. Hence the retrieval of the documents required to follow generalized pattern. The process needed to be automatized and records needed to be preserved digitally. This enables the officials to speed up the process of creation, approval and filing of Daily Notes and the drill down search facility retrieves information as and when required in no delay factor.

Use Cases
  • Advance Report
  • Coverage Report
  • Enquiry Report
  • SB Officer’s Report
  • Periodic Report
Salient Features
  • Digitization of 1 Million pages of Files, archival documents, etc. with the Metadata Creation, Cleaning & Cropping of digitized objects, conversion of processed TIFF images into PDF/A.
  • Development of Repository and Retrieval Software.
  • Development of Web Based Integrated Information Management System.
  • Development of Web Based Integrated workflow for Digital Publishing of Daily Notes.
  • Development of Wiki for marked profiles integrated with the system.
  • Development of Stock and Inventory control system.
  • Development of Web-based Asset Management system.
Platform Required (if any)

Server Environment: Linux Operating System

Client Environment:  Windows 10 with any Browser

Database: MySQL

Web Server: Apache Tomcat Application Server


Chief Investigator Details

Mrs. Mina H. K. Desai 

Email: mina.desai@cdac.in
