Model e-Villages in North East India

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Creating Model e-Villages in North East India

Project Completed during June 2011

Objective and brief description:

India’s North-East is endowed with rich natural resources for development. The economic upliftment of the entire region depends, to a large extent, on the progress of agriculture and allied sectors. Due to non-availability of improved technological information to the tribal farmers, agriculture exhibits low and unstable productivity, which makes agriculture become less remunerative and also creates food insecurity problem. In this existing scenario, it is expected that application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in agricultural information provision to the tribal farming community, will change the socio-economic condition in the villages. Keeping the above facts in mind, the present project has been piloted in selected villages in East Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh by creating ICT infrastructure.

Major objectives of the project were:

  • To provide e-awareness and e-literacy to the tribal community.
  • To explore the use of e-Learning mechanisms to reach out the community information needs
  • To explore the appropriate rural ICT application aspects, including the use of India Development Gateway’s Products & Services specific to NE region


Present Status: Ongoing

  • Created ICT infrastructure in selected 10 tribal villages of East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh
  • Organized four community awareness programmes on "ICT Awareness and benefits of Model E-Village Concept"
  • Completed two capacity building training to the kiosk operators and research fellows
  • Completed the socio-economic survey of all 10 villages
  • Hosted a website on e-village project (

e-Village Centres :

Fig 1: Sille Centres:

Fig 2: Sika-Bamin Village

Fig 3: Berung Village
