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e-Sikshak - Learning Management System

e-learning is an innovative technology that removes the barriers of distance and time, and provides greater flexibility allowing the learner to learn at his/her own pace. e-Sikshak, is an e-Learning environment developed by C-DAC, Hyderabad to support this new learning paradigm.

e-Sikshak Brochure
(File Format : .PDF , file Size :1.13MB , Date : 9/4/2014 )

Salient features of e-Sikshak:

  1. Course Organizer

    1. Support for 3-level course organization with a hierarchy of Course, Module and lesson
    2. Create and modify courses
    3. Course Reports
  2. Online Assessment

    1. Question bank creation
    2. Multiple-choice single answers
    3. Multiple-choice multiple answers
    4. True or False questions
    5. Uploading of assignments by instructor
    6. Uploading solutions by student
    7. Student performance reports 
  3. Whiteboard

    1. Synchronous communication between student and instructor
    2. Graphical interface to simulate real world Whiteboard
    3. Facilitates drawings with color; all drawing tools like rectangle, circle, free-hand etc.
    4. Text with desired color font etc
    5. Shared discussion area between student and instructor 
  4. Bulletin board

    1. Creates forums for subject discussions  
    2. Thread based discussions
    3. Search 
  5. Chat

    1. Real-time communication between instructor and learner
    2. Public chat between student and instructor
    3. Blocking/unblocking chat users by the instructor
  6. e-Mail

    1. Asynchronous communication tool
    2. Facilitates offline interaction with instructor or among the student community
    3. Attachment facility
  7. User Management

    1. Portal efficiently handles user management in successful implementation of the course. The different users involved are :
      1. Administrator Can

        •   Manage users
        •  Create and update courses
        •  Assigns learners to the courses
      2. Instructor Can

        •  Upload course material
        •  Maintain question bank
        •  Evaluate assignments
        •  Activate discussion forums
      3. Learner Can

        •   Register into multiple courses
        •  Access course material and download
        •  Get the performance report
        •  Take online test

e-Sikshak is a Multi-lingual e-Learning framework


  1. Unicode based multilingual solution
  2. Customizable Graphical User Interface
  3. Supports multi media content
  4. Portable to mySQL and Oracle
  5. Servlet based serve side technology
  6. e-Sikshak is right now used by :

    1. Information Security and Education- CDAC Hyderabad
    2. Indian Law Institute- New Delhi
    3. National Institute Of Agricultural Extension Management- Hyderabad
    4. India Development Gateway - CDAC Hyderabad.
    5. Two online cources are being offered by CDAC Hyderabad on esikshak portal (www.esikshak.in)
      •  Core Competency in Software Process Management [CCSPM]
      •  Certificate Course on Cyber Security [CCCS]
      •  C-DAC Certified Cyber Security Professional [CCCSP]
      •  C-DAC's Certified Professional in Linux System Programming [CCP-LSP]
      •  C-DAC's Certified Professional in Linux Kernel Programming & Device Drivers [CCP-LKPDD]