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Post Graduate Diploma in Robotics & Allied Technologies(PG-DRAT)

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Post Graduate Diploma in in Robotics and allied Technologies (PG-DRAT) programme is one of the growing inter-disciplinary fields of study that involves an understanding of varied domains.  Our course addresses all these need so as to equip the students with the necessary tools and techniques to be able to develop efficient, robust and industry standard robots, through 

  • The exploration of the fundamental concepts of Robotics with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the sensors, actuators, control, kinematics, dynamics etc.
  • Understanding of the various control methods and visualization techniques and to use various techniques involved in Robotic Operating System
  • Analyzing and solving problems conceptually and practically from diverse industries, such as government manufacturing, retail, education, banking/ finance, healthcare, agriculture and pharmaceutical
  •  To undertake consulting and industrial projects with significant model development for better understanding of the theoretical concepts from state-of-the-art robotic algorithms, hands-on programming, systems development techniques, machine learning, mission motion planning etc. and building future solutions to make an impact in the technological advancement

Robotics is one of the growing inter-disciplinary fields of study that involves an understanding of varied domains. Becoming a true roboticist involves the sound knowledge of domains widely ranging from computer science, mechanical engineering, electronics, communications, design, ethical measures and several others. PG-DRAT addresses all these needs so as to equip the students with the necessary tools and techniques to be able to develop efficient, robust and industry standard robots, through state-of-the-art robotic algorithms, hands-on programming, systems development techniques, machine learning, kinematics, dynamics, workspace analysis, mission motion planning etc.

Eligibility criteria

  • Graduate in Engineering or Technology (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation.     OR
  • MSc/MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics with Mathematics in 10+2.     OR
  • Graduate in Mechatronics / Mechanical Engineering
  • The candidates must have 55% marks in qualifying degree exam.

PG-DRAT course will be delivered in fully PHYSICAL mode. The total course fee and payment details are as detailed herein below:

The total course fee is INR. 90,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by Government of India (GOI).

The course fee for PG-DRAT has to be paid in two installments as per the schedule.

  • First installment is INR. 10,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.
  • Second installment is INR. 80,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.

The course fee includes expenses towards delivering classes, conducting examinations, final mark-list and certificate, and placement assistance provided.

The first installment course fee of Rs 10,000/- + GST on it as applicable at the time of payment is to be paid online as per the schedule. It can be paid using credit/debit cards through the payment gateway. The first installment of the course fees is to be paid after seat is allocated during counseling rounds.

The second installment of the course fees is to be paid before the course commencement through NEFT.

NOTE: Candidates may take note that no Demand Draft (DD) or cheque or cash will be accepted at any C-DAC training centre towards payment of any installment of course fees.


Introduction-Definition of Robots and Robotics, Various Components of Robotic System, Connectivity / Degrees of Freedom of a Joint, Representation of the Joints, Degrees of Freedom of a System, Classification of Robots, Resolution, Accuracy and Repeatability, , Robot End-Effectors, Classification of Grippers, Application of Robotics and various case studies. Electro-Hydraulic Robotic Systems – Engineering to Experimental Planning for Control, Robotic Mules as Logistic Workhorses.

Robot Kinematics (Forward and Inverse Kinematics)-Representation of an Object in 3-D Space, homogeneous transformation matrix, Representations of Position in Other Than Cartesian Coordinate System, Representation of Transformation, Position Analysis-DH Parameter, DH parameter rules, Forward Kinematics of two Link Planar Robot, Jacobian of two Link Planar Robot, Forward and Inverse Kinematics for 6 DOF Manipulator, Lab activities using various Simulation Software.

Mechanical CAD design- Designing of various robotic mechanical part using CAD software.


Design concepts- Transistor, MOSFET (n-channel and p-channel), SCR, Operational Amplifier, filter circuits, AC-DC Conversions, DC-DC conversions- Linear Power Supply basics, Switched Mode Power Supply basics, Buck, Boost and Buck Boost Configurations, Design of Battery charger, Battery Management System, various experiments using simulation software.

Robot drive systems: Electrical Drives – D.C. Servo Motors and Drivers, BLDC Motor and Drivers, Stepper Motor and Drivers Applications and Comparison of all these Drives.


C Programming – data types, operator precedence and associativity, type casting, control statements, loops, library function, pointer, structure, array, preprocessor, union, memory organization, file handling

Python Programming- Introduction to Python and Basics , Flow Control, Strings, Tuples, Dictionaries, Lists, Functions, File Handling, OOPs in Python, Regular Expressions, Exception Handling, GUI Programming – Tkinter, Database operations with Python, Python Libraries, Plugins, Client-Server Arch, Debugging


Elements of the Input box: environment sensors and human input Device, Switches and push-buttons, keypad, joystick, pointing devices, environment sensors for temperature, light, humidity. Need for analog processing and filtering of sensor outputs, Elements of the Output box: Actuators and human interface elements. LEDs (with multiplexing), LCD, temperature (heating/cooling. Micro-controller based Design Fundamentals - Reset Circuitry, Clocking options with dynamic clock scaling, RTC Interfacing, Watchdog and brownout. Peripheral interfacing -ADC, UART (RS232, RS422, RS485), SPI, I2C, CAN. Timer and counter modes. PWM, Sensor Interfacing with various development board.

Design Tools- Introduction, Part Selection, Schematic Entry, Component Packages and Library Creation, Board Design and Layout. PCB Concept- Design Rules, Vias, Tracks, Pads, Manual and Auto Routing, Gerber File Generation.


Introduction to Linux: Installing Linux, introduction to Linux, File systems, Linux Commands, some important environmental variables, file permissions.

Getting started with ROS: ROS installation, getting started with ROS, creating workspace, ROS packages, nodes, topics and messages, Turtlesim simulation, controlling Turtlesim, URDF, xacro, creating ROS robot (manipulator/mobile robot), Gazebo installation, launching and introduction, spawning robot in virtual environment (RViz), launching multiple nodes using ROS launch, understanding tf2 library, ros2_control, linking RViz and Gazebo simulation, controlling robot using ROS nodes with ros2_control, ROS services and actions, custom ROS interfaces (messages, services and actions), introducing TurtleBot 3, moving robot model around with TurtleBot 3, navigating the world with TurtleBot 3.


Discrete Planning- Introduction and example Forward Search Method Dijkstra's algorithm Bidirectional Search.

Obstacle Avoidance-Bug algorithm, Tangent bug Visibility Graph, Cell Decomposition.

Sensor for Mobile Robots-Sensors, Gyroscope, GPS, Ultrasonic and Optical Position Location, Lab Work etc. Lab experiments with various development boards.

   Introduction Digital Image Processing, Camera basic, Design of Illumination system, Image formation, Image sensors, Image Sampling and quantization, Image type, Image format and pixel relationship, Image Enhancement techniques, Colour models (advantages and disadvantages), Image Segmentation, Image Morphology, Texture Analysis, Image Processing - Hands-on Using Standard Tools.

    Percentage, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Average, Mixture & Allegation, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Number Systems , Series, Cyclicity & Remainders, Data Interpretation, Syllogism, Coding & Decoding, Blood Relations, Seating Arrangements (Linear & Circular), Ages, Puzzles, Time, Speed & Distance, Trains, Boats & Streams, Time & Work, Wages (Man days), Pipes & Cisterns, Clocks, Permutations & Combinations, Probability, Calendar Fundamentals of Communication, The Art of Communication, Personality Development, English Grammar, Correct Usage of English, Common Mistakes in English Communication, Listening Skills, Reading Skills, Writing Skills, Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Group Discussions, Interpersonal Skills, Personal Interviews


Course is focused to develop the students work in the areas of Robotics and allied areas of technology from the industry perspective. The automation industry needs the skilled manpower who can design the robotic arms and tools where the manpower cannot work. The automobile industry is highly automated and robotics play an important role in these sectors and similar other manufacturing sectors.

C-DACs - Advanced Computing Training School
Plot E 2/1, Blok - GP, Sector - V, Saltlake Electronics Complex, Bidhannagar, Kolkata
West Bengal 700091
033-23579846 / 23575989
Contact Person
Asok Bandyopadhyay
033 23575141

What is the eligibility of the PG-DRAT course?
Graduate in Engineering or Technology (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation.


MSc/MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics

Graduate in Mechatronics / Mechanical Engineering
The candidate must have 55% in qualifying degree.
Q.What is the course fees of PG-DRAT? 
A.The course fees for PG-DRAT is INR 76,500/- plus GST as applicable.
Q. What is the medium of instruction for PG Diploma Courses?
A. The medium of instruction for the PG Diploma Courses is English.
