
GistSQL Tool

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GistSQL Tool

(Server side database application development tool for the development and implementation of Indian Language enabled applications)


GistSQL Tool is an Indian Languages Application development tool for MS-SQL based applications. Indian language client/server or web-based applications require data conversion, prior to storing into the database or after retrieving data from the database. The conversion functions are written on the database side thereby freeing the application developer of the nitty-gritty’s involved in developing Indian Language applications.

GistSQL Tool is a library, which facilitates storing of data in ISCII Encoding and conversion of the same data to ISFOC encoding for display, from within the SQL Server environment. GistSQLTool is essentially a server side utility, which resides inside SQL Server and enables efficient ISCII-ISFOC conversions from within the database. The actual processing of data is transparent to the developer.

Minimum Requirements:

1. SQL Server 2000 with 128 MB RAM and 20 MB Disk space.

Salient Features

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