PG-DAC is the most popular PG Diploma course of C-DAC. The course is targeted towards Engineering Graduates and MCA/MSc who wish to venture into the domain of advanced computing. The course aims to groom the students to enable them to work on current technology scenarios as well as prepare them to keep pace with the changing face of technology and the requirements of the growing IT industry. The entire course syllabus, courseware, teaching methodology and the course delivery have been derived from the rich research and development background of C-DAC. Running successfully for 30 years, the PG-DAC course has produced thousands of professionals, who are well positioned in the industry today.
The education eligibility criteria for the PG-DAC course is:
- Graduate in Engineering or Technology (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation, OR MSc/MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics OR
- Graduate in any discipline of Engineering,OR
- Post Graduate Degree in Physics/ Mathematics / Statistics, OR
- Post Graduate Degree in Management with graduation in IT / Computer Science / Computer Applications.
- The candidates must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in their qualifying examination.
The Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Computing (PG-DAC) course will be delivered in fully ONLINE or fully PHYSICAL mode. The total
course fee and payment details for the fully PHYSICAL or fully ONLINE mode of delivery is as detailed herein below:
- PHYSICAL Mode of Delivery: The course fee for the fully PHYSICAL mode of delivery is INR. 90,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by Government of India (GOI).Thecourse fees for PG-DAC course has to be paid in two installments as per the schedule.
- First installment is INR. 10,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.
- Second installment is INR. 80,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.
- ONLINE Mode of Delivery: The course fee of the fully ONLINE mode of delivery is INR. 76,500/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.
- First installment is INR. 10,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.
- Second installment is INR. 66,500/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.
The course fees for PG-DAC course has to be paid in two installments as per the schedule.
The course fee includes expenses towards delivering classes, conducting examinations, final mark-list and certificate, and placement assistance provided.
The first installment course fee of Rs 10,000/- + GST on it as applicable at the time of payment is to be paid online as per the schedule. It can be paid using credit/debit cards through the payment gateway. The first installment of the course fees is to be paid after seat is allocated during counseling rounds.
The second installment of the course fees is to be paid before the course commencement through NEFT.
NOTE: Candidates may take note that no Demand Draft (DD) or cheque or cash will be accepted at any C-DAC training centre towards payment of any installment of course fees.
Getting Started, Operators & Expressions, Conditional and Looping Statements, Functions in C++, Memory Management and Pointers, OOP Concepts using C++, Constructor and Destructor, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Virtual Functions & Abstract Class, Exception Handling, Managing Console I/O Operations, File Handling in C++ & Templates, STL and RTTI
Introduction to OS, Introduction to Linux, Shell programming, Processes, Memory management, Virtual Memory, Deadlock.
Software Development Methodologies:
Git, Software Engineering, Software Development Life Cycle, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Agile development model, Introduction to Atlassian Jira, DevOps, Containerisation, Docker, YAML, Kubernetes, Software testing, STLC and V Model, Manual & Automation testing, Selenium, Jenkins
Introduction to Java, JVM Architecture, Primitive data types, OOP Concepts using Java, Interfaces, Arrays, Garbage collection, Inner Class, Wrapper Classes and String Class, Exception Handling, java.io & java.nio Package, Object Class & java.util Package, Collections, MultiThreading, Synchronization, Lambada Expression, Generics and Reflection API, Java 8 Stream API
Aptitude: Percentage, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Average, Mixture & Allegation, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Number Systems, Series, Cyclicity & Remainders, Data Interpretation, Syllogism, Coding & Decoding
Blood Relations, Seating Arrangements (Linear & Circular), Ages, Puzzles, Time, Speed & Distance, Trains, Boats & Streams, Time & Work, Wages (Man days), Pipes & Cisterns, Clocks, Permutations & Combinations, Probability, Calendar
Effective Communication: Fundamentals of Communication, The Art of Communication, Personality Development, English Grammar, Correct Usage of English, Common mistakes in English Communication, Listening Skills, Reading Skills, Writing Skills, Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Group Discussions, Interpersonal skills, Personal Interviews
• Ability to work in a team
• Software development methodology and principles
• Good programming practices
• Technical reporting and presentation
The Software Project module is divided in three phases:
I – SRS Phase:
Tasks: Requirements gathering, feasibility study and project thinking.
II – Design Phase:
Tasks: Software design and project plan.
III – Development Phase:
Tasks: Coding and testing of the software system/application.
After completion of course students will be able to acquire the following skills:
- Use technologies to access and interpret information effectively
- Apply their analytical skills to investigate unfamiliar problems using web technologies like HTML 5.0, CSS, Java Script, Jquery, Angular JS
- Use quantitative data confidently and competently
- Use communication technologies competently
- Understand the multi-tier architecture of web-based enterprise applications using. Enterprise JavaBeans. Integrate Servlets, JSPs with EJB and Databases in J2EE application
- Understand .net architecture, develop and maintain the application
Karnataka 560100
Hostel Enquiries - Arun Shankar
Hostel Enquiries - arun[at]cdac[dot]in
Odisha 751024
Tamilnadu 600113
Andhra Pradesh 501510
Madhya Pradesh 452001
Rajashthan 302019
Maharashtra 415110
Kerala 682035
West Bengal 700091
Maharashtra 400021
Maharashtra 400049
Maharashtra 400614
Maharashtra 400050
Maharashtra 400049
Maharashtra 440012
Maharashtra 422003
New Delhi 110020
New Delhi 110025
Uttar Pradesh 201307
Bihar 800014
Bihar 800001
Bihar 800014
Maharashtra 411008
Maharashtra 411038
Maharashtra 411044
Maharashtra 411016
Maharashtra 411004
Maharashtra 411057
Kerala 695581
Q. What is the educational eligibility criteria for applying to PG-Diploma in Advanced Computing?
A: A candidate with any one of the following educational qualification can apply for PG-DAC
• Graduate in Engineering or Technology (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation. OR
• MSc/ MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics.
• Graduate in any discipline of Engineering or equivalent, OR
• Post Graduate in Physics/ Computational Sciences/ Mathematics or allied areas, OR
• Post Graduate in Management with graduation degree in Science/ IT/ Computers
Q: What is the process of selection to join PG – Diploma courses?
A: The selection process to join C-DAC's PG Diploma courses is by qualifying in C-DAC Common Admission Test (C-CAT).
Q: What is Course Fees of PG-DAC?
A: The fee for the PG-DAC course conducted in fully physical mode of delivery is INR. 90,000/- plus GST as applicable by GOI.
The course fee for PG-DAC course delivered in the online mode is INR. 76,500/- plus GST as applicable by GOI.
Q: When does the PG Diploma courses commence?
A: The PG Diploma courses commences twice in a year in the month of March and August. Admission Process will start in month of May and December every year.
Q: What is the duration of the course?
A: The duration of course is 900 hours which is delivered in 24 weeks approximately.
Q: What is the infrastructure facilities available at training centres?
A: C-DAC training centres are equipped with classrooms with capacity to accommodate students and state-of-art IT lab facilities so as to enhance the computing skills.
Q: Does the centres have Hostel / Canteen facility?
A: Hostel and canteen facilities are available for students enrolled for physical courses at some of the C-DAC training centres. Hostel allotments are made on a first-come, first-served basis. However, outstation students will be given preference when the allotment is done. Some of the centres, which are not offering hostel facilities, may provide assistance to find out suitable boarding and lodging to their students. Candidates interested to avail hostel accommodation should send their requests to the Administrative Officers at the respective training centres, after the admission lists are published. Hostel/canteen fees, room availability and other related information may be obtained by communicating to the respective centre’s contact person.
Q: Does Educational Loans are provided by the Banks for C-DAC Courses?
A: Facility of educational loans is provided for the selected candidates, by all nationalized banks. The educational loan are provided by Bank of India and Axis Bank.
Q. What is the medium of instruction for PG Diploma Courses?
A. The medium of instruction for the PG Diploma Courses is English.
Q: Is the course contents of PG Diploma courses updated?
A: The course contents are updated and revised to meet the IT industry requirements. The courses are revised every batch by the C-DAC academic design and planning team in consultation with the IT industry.
Q: Do you have centralized placement cell?
A:Yes we do have a centralized placement cells which organizes national level Common Campus Placement Programme, spread across five regions where the respective centers actively coordinate the task of organizing the campus interviews for all the students.
Q: What is the value of the course in the international market?
A: The course has been a trend-setting course due to its unique curriculum and the opportunities that it generates; hence it gives the edge over above for the students and gives a international edge.
Q: Is there any centre-wise rank cut-off available for the admission to the PG Diploma courses?
A: No there is no centre-wise rank cut-off for the admission to the PG Diploma courses for admission.