
DICOM SDK -Architecture

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Take a closer look at Layered Architecture of SDK. Each layer serves a purpose defined in the standard.

Base Layer

Base layer supports all DICOM defined data types, data dictionary, supported data elements. Base layer provides dataset level manipulation of DICOM data which is very helpful for DICOM developers. Creation, navigation, manipulation of dataset allows developers to build DICOM defined structure for communication with other DICOM compliant entities. Dataset view of DICOM data allows developers to deal with the data at the DICOM level.

Data Model

Data Model supports all DICOM defined Information Object Definitions (IOD). The toolkit provides object oriented approach through IODs to represent DICOM data. This mechanism is very useful for object oriented developers having little knowledge of DICOM. Data Model view of DICOM data allows developers to deal with DICOM data through object oriented wrappers.


The toolkit provides extensive support for DICOM defined Composite and Normalized services. The developers can build Service Class Users (SCU) and/ or Service Class Providers (SCP) using this layer. The DIMSE layer hides complexity of the standard by providing object oriented layer on top using which developer can build service modules.

Communication Layer

This layer involves raw communication entities at the core DICOM level. The developer can build their own application logic on top of it so that developer’s own DIMSE wrapper can be built. The layer is designed taking into consideration memory and processing efficiency issues.