
Project Engineer - 5- 7 years Experience

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Project Engineer ( 5-7 years' experience )
Specialization/ Domain Front End Development
No. of Requirement 4
Location Pune/Delhi
Qualification First Class B. E. / B. Tech. in Comp/IT/ Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunication/communication/Electrical / Electrical & Electronics
First Class MCA
Firs Class M. Sc. in Computer /IT
Post Qualification relevant Experience. For BE/B. Tech/MCA - 5 years post qualification relevant experience

For M. Sc - 6 years post qualification relevant experience

Age 37 years as on last date of application
Skill Sets
  • Strong knowledge of framework like NodeJS, ReactJS
  • Design and Develop a responsive and stylish user interface framework and web components from ground up with latest technology not limiting to HTML&HTML5, Ajax, CSS & CSS3, JavaScript, Jquery, Bootstrap, JSON, XML
  • Working to create the interactive, reusable web components for the frontend interface
  • Understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git, SVN.
  • Must have experience in client communication.
  • Proficient understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues and ways to work around them.
  • Excellent proficiency in responsive design and performance optimization techniques for the web and mobile web.
  • Understanding of visual aesthetics
  • Engineering the user experience for the interface
  • Working with the QA to create automation tests for the user interfaces
  • Writing high quality source code and deliver the application within tight deadline
  • Troubleshooting and fixing bugs in front end
  • Develop technical documents to accurately represent application design and code
Job Profile
  • Primary role is to design overall design patterns for websites, web applications and mobile applications including overall design framework, forms, screens, templates and all other requirements of an application user interface.
  • .
  • Experience working in teams of development engineers, software development test engineers, and development operations engineers, collaborating to produce high-quality software.
  • Collaborating with team members and Assist back-end developers in integrating the back-end logic with the front-end layers
  • Build on W3C standards
  • Strong knowledge of general design principles (layouts, colour, font, proportion, etc.).
  • Conceptual ideation and art direction.
  • Knowledge and experience of user-centric design approaches and best practices.
CTC per Annum *As per the industry standards based on qualification, experience, expertise, role etc.
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*C-DAC reserves the right w.r.t. to the pay to be offered to selected candidates based on the norms of C-DAC.

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Human Resource Department
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)
Innovation Park 34/1, Panchavati, Pashan
Pune - 411 008