
LISM How to Use

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How to Use LISM


Linux based application for Indian languages

LISM, LINUX ISFOC Script Manager, is a keyboard manager for Indian scripts. To some extent it also controls the editing behavior of the word processor. It allows the user to create documents in Indian scripts using word processor or text editor on LINUX platform. LISM simulates inscript keyboard. To enable word processor / text editor to handle Indian scripts follow the following steps:

LISM Installation Instructions

For Debian:

For RedHat:

In DebianLismEval or RedHatLismEval directory give the command at
shell prompt $ ./InstallLism

Note: Before insatlling LISM read Install-Instructions.pdf carefully.

Quick Steps to use Indian language using LISM:

Precautions while closing LISM:

System Requirements:

Redhat Fedora core 4 or upward versions
X Windows support
GNOME Desktop environment



Word Processor
