
Localization Framework - Localization for Reports

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Localization for Reports

Localization framework contains tools/components for localization of reports, bank passbooks, etc. It consists of Reports Generation Tools, Dictionary Tools, database tools like GISTOraTools (for Oracle reports).

Report Generation Tools

Reports/Banks Statements for internal as well as customer interactions can be generated on the fly in Indian Languages using these tools. Formatting of the reports is maintained. Both DOS based and windows based tools are available.

Salient Features :



Passbook Printing Utility: This tool can be used for printing the passbook in Indian Languages on a passbook printer.

Dictionary tool: This tool is used for building the dictionary, which is used by the Report Generation tools for converting the dynamic data of the reports. Words and phrases are retained in this dictionary through this tool.

Salient Features:

Passbook Printing Utility: This tool can be used for printing the passbook in Indian Languages on a passbook printer.

Dictionary tool: This tool is used for building the dictionary, which is used by the Report Generation tools for converting the dynamic data of the reports. Words and phrases are retained in this dictionary through this tool.

Salient Features:


Code Converter This is a bulk file converter that converts different files from English to Hindi Unicode. It supports Word, HTML and text files. All the formatting information of data is retained after conversion, thereby maintaining the look and feel of the same file. It uses the Indian language dictionaries, which can be built, by using Dictionary Tools. It also uses nTrans for name transliteration.

Salient Features


Online Webpage Localiser :

This is an Indian language browser application which can navigate to any valid URL and transliterate the web page to any Indian language for easy reading. When the page gets loaded the user can select any one of the languages available in the drop down box and transliterate the web page to the selected language. This transliterated page can also be saved in HTML format, saving the user from transliterating it again. The images and script remains the same, only the text gets converted on the client side.

Salient Features:

System requirements:

.NET Framework 1.1 or above.

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