
Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Tool using Wireless Sensor Network

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Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Tool using Wireless Sensor Network

Brief Description

A wireless solution for indoor air quality monitoring has been developed. The developed solution is to measure the environmental parameters like temperature, humidity, gaseous pollutants, Particulate Matter to determine the environmental health of an indoor space. Air Quality Index (AQI) as per EPA standard is estimated from the measured indoor criteria air pollutants. A toolkit has been developed to view the live air quality data of deployed regions in the form of numbers and graphs.

Main uses and domain

Air Quality monitoring for Smart Buildings

Features and Technical Specifications

  1. Wireless monitoring of environmental parameters through Zigbee
  2. Live monitoring of air pollution data through IAQ tool kit
  3. Air Quality index estimation as per EPA standard

Platform required(if any)


Air Quality
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Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

Ms. P. Poonguzhali

ubicomp-chn(at)cdac(dot) .in