
Supercomputer from C-DAC to guide bioinformatics research

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Supercomputer from C-DAC to guide bioinformatics research

Times of india
February 18, 2014

The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) will launch Param Bio Blaze, a supercomputing facility, to address the challenges in bioinformatics on Tuesday at a three-day symposium.

When biological data is processed using computer science, statistics, mathematics and engineering, it constitutes bioinformatics.

C-DAC's new facility will have a capacity of 10 teraflop and will be able to analyse human cells and its functions. "Technological advancements are bringing new dimensions to the understanding of molecular basis of living organisms. There is immense data generated due to computing, but storage and analysis of this data is becoming a challenge," Hemant Darbari, executive director of C-DAC, said at a news conference on Monday.

Param Bio Blaze will help have a larger storage space and better computing facility for the bioinformatics sector. The facility will help capture the movement of molecules and also interaction between two molecules and the effects.

Rajendra Joshi, associate director, bioinformatics group of C-DAC, said, "We have been able to make important tie-ups with foreign universities and institutes into bioinformatics research. Some collaborations with national institutes have also been possible."

The bioinformatics centre at C-DAC completed 10 years, this month. Established in 2004, the centre has been widely used by numerous researchers across the globe and has an ultimate aim of making personalised drugs depending on the composition of a human body.

The symposium, titled: 'Accelerating biology: Computing life' will be inaugurated on Tuesday by Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, vice-chancellor, Central University of Hyderabad at the Yashada.

Applications of Param BioBlaze