
Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Law & Justice and Electronics & IT inaugurates New Facility for C-DAC's Advanced Computing Training School

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November 19, 2016

Shri P P Chaudhary, Hon'ble Minister of State for Law & Justice and Electronics & IT, Govt of India unveiled the new facility to house the Advanced Computing Training School (ACTS) of C-DAC at its Innovation Park campus, today. Also present on the occasion were Prof Rajat Moona, Director General, C-DAC, Dr Hemant Darbari, Executive Director, C-DAC, Pune, and other senior members of C-DAC and ACTS. The new facility incorporates both classrooms and state-of-the-art IT laboratories to cater to different training programmes conducted by C-DAC ACTS. Incidentally, in keeping with the times, C-DAC ACTS has recently introduced two new courses namely PG Diploma in High Performance Computing and PG Diploma in Internet of Things.

Shri P P Chaudhary also released two new products, namely the Mobile IP App, a mobile based application to provide IPR services and e-Reception, a tablet based mobile reception desk. The Mobile IP App developed jointly by the IPR Division of MeitY and C-DAC, is part of the "Patent Analysis Management System", being implemented by C-DAC under the aegis of the MeitY with the objective of ensuring that the intellectual wealth of our nation is adequately protected. This urgent need to protect the IPR generated out in India is an incremental result of the growth of the IT industry as well as other technical sectors. Taking cognizance of its importance, C-DAC under the leadership of MeitY, Govt of India has established Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Property (CoE-IP), state of the art Prior Art Search Centers, at MeitY, New Delhi and C-DAC, Pune. The e-Reception software is designed to replace the traditional reception desk for visitors by enabling them to interface with an electronic device such as mobiles/tablets/PC's to quickly fill in the relevant details and generate the Visitors Pass. This will be very helpful for medium and large organizations, potentially spread over several facilities, where there is large movement of new and returning visitors.

In his inaugural address, Shri P P Chaudhary said that he "was elated to be received so warmly by the C-DAC family. To share this platform with so many scientists and researchers who have brought laurels to the country and implemented several prestigious nationwide projects is a rare and overwhelming experience. I consider myself fortunate to be a part of your family on this important day. The Advanced Computing Training School (ACTS) is an edifice of your expertise and immortalizes the thirst for innovation by imbibing the same values in the younger generation of IT professionals. C-DAC is passing on its legacy of research and innovation to the next generation of technocrats through the medium of ACTS. ACTS has contributed immensely to the development and success of Indian IT industry and there are many professionals in senior positions of leading IT majors who owe their credentials and success to ACTS. I dedicate this new facility to our country's budding IT professional who shall proudly carry forward the spirit of innovation throughout the nation and beyond."

Talking about the two products, Shri P P Chaudhary commented that the Mobile IP App "is a right move in the right direction as it virtually places the services directly in the hands of the user. With the mobile penetration rising phenomenally in the country, there is no doubt that such an app will find favor with users who have been hitherto oblivious to the fruits of IPR. The concept of e-Reception is also very unique as it will help capture details of visitors as well as streamline their entry by eradicating the tedious manual system."

The Mobile IP App enables users to avail of various IP related services on their mobile phone such as IPR News Alerts to get latest notifications about IPR News, IPR Events Alerts to get latest notifications about IPR events, IPR related Query to ask for basic queries related to IPRs and Patent Alerts and notifications to notify registered members through an alert whenever an IPR application is filed.

Shri P P Chaudhary also interacted with various scientists and researchers at C-DAC and reviewed the performance, technology, research and various activities in the area of ICTE at C-DAC. He expressed his interest in several technologies including supercomputer, language technologies for Indian languages, e-Governance applications, IoT, Smart Cities, professional electronics, etc. He lauded the efforts put in by C-DAC researchers in contributing towards national growth mission including Digital India, Make in India and Design in India efforts of the government.

Addressing the media, Prof Rajat Moona, Director General, C-DAC said that it "is a rare honor for C-DAC to be able to play host to Shri P P Chaudhary, Hon'ble Minister of State for Law & Justice and Electronics & IT, Govt of India. With his presence, our ACTS trainees and staff have received a psychological boost to the unique work of spreading the C-DAC legacy through our customized and highly evolving pedagogy. Our uniqueness lies in our ability to stay one step ahead of the competition by foreseeing the challenges ahead and letting innovation shape our pedagogic insights. The support of MeitY has always been our motivational factor in this endeavor. We are equally fortunate that our hon'ble minister could devote us some time to also facilitate the release of the Mobile IP App. Truly his wish to connect citizens and services will be realized through this app, and we hope to make the required impact on the IP generation front. We are also glad to have the e-Reception software released by his hands as this is another innovative effort towards office automation wherein visitors will benefit through a hassle free system to facilitate their entry."

Echoing a similar sentiment, Dr Hemant Darbari, Executive Director, C-DAC, Pune commented that it is another historic date for C-DAC, Pune as well as ACTS to welcome Shri P P Chaudhary, Hon'ble Minister of State for Law & Justice and Electronics & IT, Govt of India. We need to take this opportunity to foster more confidence and faith in our trainees to be able to meet the challenges of the ever evolving IT Industry. We hope that the blessings of MeitY will continue to shine on us as always.

As part of the programme, Shri P P Chaudhary also unveiled the C-DAC Annual Calendar 2017 and the C-DAC Annual Diary 2017, and provided members with the first public look at the two distributable.

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