
C-DAC: Press Kit - In the News

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Software for preserving electronic records on cards

The Times of India
June 25, 2011

Lost your original marriage certificate? Don't worry. It will be among all the records that will be digitally archived and can be accessed anytime in the future.

The Pune-based Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) is developing a software for the National Archives of India (NAI), wherein all the electronic public records generated in e-governance services offered by the Union government will be preserved for an indefinite period.

The project has been funded by the department of information technology of the Union ministry of communications and information technology.

C-DAC and NAI have jointly established a centre of excellence for digital preservation (CEDP) to create a machinery to archive the electronic public records. A large volume of e-records being generated through the 27 mission projects of the National e-Governance Action Plan across the country will be archived with the NAI.