
C-DAC bags the prestigious award "Best VLSI/Embedded Design Company"

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C-DAC bags the prestigious award "Best VLSI/Embedded Design Company"

Mentor Graphics USA and SiliconIndia are jointly instituting Leadership award in few categories in the field of VLSI/Embedded space. They have been awarding organisations/Institutions in this field that have been excelling in this field and contributing to the community since six years. The award is intended to inspire the leaders to tread path of success and triumph and to recognise the vast contributions made to the industry at large. The sixth year award ceremony was held on Nov 6, 2015 at Bangalore where the awards were given away by the chief Guest Mr. Walden C Rhines, Chairman and CEO of Mentor Graphics USA. While reading out the citation for C-DAC which made it to the award the contributions made by the leadership at C-DAC were specially mentioned. The event was attended by over 150 leaders from various industries and across India. The award was received by Sh. Ganga Prasad GL, Senior Director, C-DAC Bangalore on behalf of C-DAC.