
Cloud Infrastructure

C-DAC Logo

A Free and Open source Cloud suite

Brief Description

Deliverables of Meghdoot Cloud suite

Main uses and domain

To establish and operate public / private cloud computing environment offering cloud services.

Features and Technical Specifications

Platform required (if any)

Data Centre environment

Service offerings by C-DAC Chennai on Cloud

Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

Kailash S, Prabha V
kailashs@cdac.in, prabhav@cdac.in
+91-9443807449 , +91-9994226151
Cloud computing Group
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC),
Tidel Park, 8th Floor, 'D' Block (North & South),
No.4 Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Taramani, Chennai- 600113, India.
Phone:+91-44-22542226. Mail : cloud-chn@cdac.in