
CCD SDK Architecture

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Take a closer look at Layered Architecture of SDK.


CCD Core

Includes refined classes for Templates, Data Types, Enums and Narrative Blocks as mentioned in HL7/ASTM Implementation Guide for CDA R2 -Continuity of Care Document (CCD) Release 1.

  • Templates: Contains a library of CDA Release 2 templates and each template may have further supporting templates as required. The template describes a set of XML attributes and elements that may be used to represent the semantics of the data type described in the Data Types Abstract Specification.
  • Data Types: Contain all HL7 RIM defined data types that define the kind of data that can be included in a field.
  • Enums: Contains the Enumerated vocabulary of CDA Release 2 required for CCD Document.
  • Narrative Block: Supports and creates free text block for human readability in CCD.


Includes APIs to read, write and validate CCD. Comprises model classes representing different sections in CCD.

  • Model Classes: Represents different sections and Patient demographics data.
  • CCD Reader: To read already existing CCD XML document.
  • CCD Writer: To generate XML based Continuity of Care Document.
  • CCD Validator: Validates CCD XML against XSD provided by HL7 International.