
Mercury : Integrated Telemedicine Solution

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Mercury Nimbus Neo - License

Product Name Unit/Instance price (perpetual license) Subsequent Users
Mercury™ on Cloud INR 25000/- for 2 active users INR 10000/- for each subsequent user
Mercury™ Remote Module INR 10000/- per instance Not applicable
Mercury™ for Android INR 2000/- per instance Not applicable
Mercury™ Cloud Repository INR 10000/- per instance Not applicable

Process to obtain Mercury Nimbus License from C-DAC


Availability of Mercury™ Service Models

Mercury™ Solution is provided with following model/services:

Model 1: Supply of Telemedicine Software

C-DAC will provide Mercury™ Nimbus Neo Solution only at mentioned sites. The hardware provided by client should meet the specifications provided by C-DAC in order to run our software as per the expectations.

Model 2: Supply of Telemedicine Software, Support, Installation & Commissioning and Training for Software

User can opt for any of these services along with Software. C-DAC will carry out selected services.

Model 3: Build-Operate-Transfer (comprehensive model)

C-DAC can take the entire project as a turnkey solution and execute in Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model under which all above services are provided along with Hardware and Operation Support where operation support can be provided by government or C-DAC's identified agency. Services provided under Build-Operate-Transfer Model are comprehensive.

Under BOT model, C-DAC can execute the project including Build Phase, and Operate Phase.

All assets and sites will be handed-over to appointed agency at end or project or operation phase can be extended further.

Course of Action in BOT Model:

  • In-Principal approval from empowered committee
  • Notification of Sites in project
  • Submission of detailed project plan, approval with disbursal of funds
  • Site Evaluation & Preparation
  • Procurement, Recruitment, Training
  • Workshop for involved sites
  • Installation & Training, staff deputation
  • Hand-holding / Operation
  • Hand-over at end of project period