
Precautions taken by C-DAC to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 borne COVID-19

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With the growing concern around SARS-CoV-2 borne COVID-19 global pandemic, and following orders of Government of India, State Governments, and local authorities, C-DAC centres are taking due precautions and necessary measures to safeguard general public, students, C-DAC staff, and their families.

While the pandemic may affect some services and deliveries from C-DAC, we are ensuring that necessary practical steps are taken to mitigate them as much as possible in current scenario. Most of our staff are working from their homes to the best of possible circumstances. However, following services have been suspended till further notice:

We look forward to your cooperation and understanding, and hope that you are also safe and taking due precautions and measures as directed by Government authorities and Medical experts.