Modi-Script Tools

Multilingual and Heritage computing is one of the major thematic area of C-DAC. GIST has been a pioneer in Indian language computing, especially in areas of the script and natural language processing. GIST products / tools / technologies have been the backbone of several mission critical applications for bridging the digital divide. “Nurturing the Living languages” is the moto of GIST Team.
On the occasion of 29th Foundation day, C-DAC announces the release of first of its kind tools for the historically important Modi-Script
Modi-Script : History and Importance
Modi was invented as a cursive “shorthand” or speed writing to note down the royal edicts. Over the centuries, Modi-script has undergone changes and can be classified as: Bahamani (16th century), Shivkalin (17th century), Peshwekalin (18th century) and Anglakalin (19th -20th century).
Traditional Devanagari was found to be excessively time-consuming since each character required as many as 3 to 5 strokes and the lifting of the hand, each time the stroke was completed. Modi got round this obstacle by “bending” the letters thereby doing away with the need of lifting the hand. This invention thus allowed for a continuous writing which could be used by court scribes to note the edicts. All official documents across the Maratha empire spread across India are archived in Modi-script. Learning Modi-Script is useful to Academician, Historian, Researcher and Legal experts and also for knowing more about cultural, heritage preservation
We aim to create awareness, increase proliferation, help in preservation of Modi-Script and generate interest in new generation of users
1. "मोडीलिपी शिका" - Learn Modi Script
- Get Familiar with basic characters
- Learn how to write basic Akshars
- Identify and distinguish similar looking characters
- Games to Learn Modi-Script
- Conjunct writing, Learn Counting system
- Free Downloadable (File Format: .APK, File Size: 12.7 MB, Date: 07/04/ 2016)
- Works on Android (4.4 and above)
2. Marathi (Devanagari) to Marathi(Modi) Web Converter
This is a web Browser Plug-in to read existing Marathi (Devanagari) websites in Marathi (Modi). This will help user read existing Marathi Sites in Modi. It supports:
- Chrome Browser on Windows, Mac and linux
- Free Plug-in for end user
- Free Code / Snippet for Web-Developers to integrate in their website and support more platforms

Dr Ajai Kumar ,
Senior Director & HoD,
Phone No: 020-25503402,
mailId: ajai[at]cdac[dot]in