
Content Review Policy (CRP)

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C-DAC website is an important tool for disseminating the information to the masses being served by the organization. It is therefore required to keep the content on the Website current and up-to-date and hence there is a need for the Content Review Policy. Since the scope of the content is huge, different Review Policies are defined for the diverse content elements.

The Review Policy is based on different type of content elements, its validity and relevance as well as the archival policy. The matrix below gives the Content Review Policy:

S. No. Content Element Basis of Content Classification Frequency of Review Reviewer Approver
Event Time Policy
1 About Department   Half Yearly  Immediate-for new Department created Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Director General
2 Programme/ Schemes Quarterly Immediate-for new Programme/ Scheme introduced. Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads
3 Policies   Quarterly Immediate-for new Programme/ Scheme introduced. Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads
4 Acts/Rules   Quarterly Immediate-for new Programme/ Scheme introduced. Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads
5 Circular/Notifications Immediate for new circulars/Notifications Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads
6 Documents/Publications/Reports Fortnightly  Archival of current 2 year  Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads
7 Directories/ Contact Details(Centres)   Immediate for new circulars/Notifications Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads
8 What’s New   Immediate Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads
9 Tenders   Immediate Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads
10 Highlight   Immediate for new circulars/Notifications Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads
11 Banners Immediate for new circulars/Notifications Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads
12 Photo-gallery Immediate for new circulars/Notifications Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads
13 Group Wise Contents  Immediate for new circulars/Notifications Respective Designated Responsible Member (DRM)/ HoD of the Respective Group Respective Center Heads


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Webmaster C-DAC-Website
e-Mail: webmaster[at]cdac[dot]in
Tel: +91-20-25704100
Fax: +91-20-25694004