Content Archival Policy (CAP)

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The Guidelines for Indian Government Websites (GIGW) stipulate that expired contents must not be presented or flashed on the website. Therefore, as per the content archival policy adopted by this department, contents will be deleted from the site after its expiry date. Important data will be shifted to the archives page. Therefore, the content contributors should revalidate/modify the content periodically to ensure that expired data is not present/flashed in the site. Wherever contents are no longer needed to be displayed, suitable advice may be sent to the web information manager for their archival/deletion.

Each of the content components is accompanied by meta data, source and validity date. For some of the components the validity date may not be known i.e., the content is stated to be perpetual. Under this scenario, the validity date should be Ten years.

For few of the components like announcements, tenders, only the live content whose validity date is after the current date is shown on the Website. For other components like documents, schemes, services, forms, websites and contact directory there is a need for timely review of the same as per the Content Review Policy.

Entry/Exit Policy and Archival Policy for the content elements on the C-DAC website will be as per the following table:

Content Archival Policy

S. No. Content Element Entry Policy Exit Policy
1 About Department Whenever Department is realigned // changes its work distribution. Perpetual (10 years) since date of entry into archival.
2 Programme/ Schemes Discontinuation of Sanction of Programme/Schemes for Central Sector, State Sector or both. Five (05) years since date of discontinuation.  
3 Policies Discontinuation of Policy by  Government – Central/State Perpetual (10 years) since date of entry into archival.
4 Acts/Rules Issued through the gazette/ Passed by the Central or State Government Perpetual (10 years) to be always available in the acts/rules database.
5 Circular/Notifications Overruling Office Memorandum or Notification issued. Five (05) years since date of discontinuation.
6 Documents/Publications/Reports Completion of its validity period. Perpetual (10 years) since date of entry into archival.
7 Directories/ Contact Details (Centres) Not required Not Applicable
8 What’s New As soon as it loses relevance. Automatically after the expiry of the validity period.
9 Tenders As soon as it loses relevance. Five (05) years since date of discontinuation.
10 Highlight As soon as it loses relevance. Automatically after the expiry of the validity period.
11 Banners As soon as it loses relevance. Automatically after the expiry of the validity period.
12 Photo-gallery As soon as it loses relevance. Five (05) years since date of discontinuation.
13 Group Wise Contents  As soon as it loses relevance. Five (05) years since date of discontinuation.


Thank You:-
Webmaster C-DAC-Website
e-Mail: webmaster[at]cdac[dot]in
Tel: +91-20-25704100
Fax: +91-20-25694004
