
Computer Aided Engineering

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Computer Aided Engineering


CAE is mainly used to analyze the robustness and performance of various types of components, engineering assemblies and structures. The term encompasses simulation, validation, and optimization of engineering products and tools. In future, CAE systems will be major providers of information to support design teams in decision making. It helps mankind in various ways like saving in efforts by analyzing a product from different perspective using modelling and simulations. It facilitates analysis of complicated structures.

Computer Aided engineering group in C-DAC mainly aims at using Super Computers in the field of Structural Analysis using FEA (Finite Element Analysis) and Computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

CAE group comprises of two sub teams Computational Structural Mechanics and Computational Fluid Dynamics.

The HPC facility at C-DAC:

The HPC facility at C-DAC includes PARAM-Yuva II which has a high performance computing cluster with a sustained performance of 386.7 Tera Flops and a peak speed of 529.4 Tera Flops.