Computational Fluid Dynamics

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Computational Fluid Dynamics


  • Carrying out Research and Development projects in the area of fluid flow, heat transfer, and combustion.
  • Development and fine tuning of CFD codes on HPC platform (GPGPU and Intel MIC).
  • Developing CFD based solutions on hybrid High Performance Computing (HPC) and grid computing environments.
  • Porting and benchmarking of parallel CFD codes on HPC platform

Computing Tools

Sequential and parallel versions of several CFD tools have been ported on PARAM Yuva at C-DAC, Pune. The group has deployed the following CFD tools in HPC environment:

  • KIVA: KIVA is a transient, three-dimensional, multiphase code for the analysis of chemically reacting flows with sprays. It is specifically designed for performing internal combustion engine calculations. KIVA can be adapted for a variety of other applications, such as gasoline engine, gas turbines, in-cylinder flows, swirl and port design etc.
  • NEK5000: NEK5000 is a DNS/LES CFD solver (developed at Argonne National Lab, USA) based on spectral element method. It solves general 2D and 3D domains described by isoperimetric quad or hex elements.
  • OpenFOAM: OpenFOAM (Open Field Operation and Manipulation) is an open source toolbox for solving continuum mechanics problems, including Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Parallel version of OpenFOAM has been ported on Param Yuva.
  • Tarang: Tarang is an object oriented open source pseudo-spectral CFD code. The code is modular and can solve turbulent fluid flow, convection, liquid metal flow and Magneto-Hydrodynamics (MHD) flow in simple geometries. It has been developed at IIT Kanpur and released under GPL. It employs FFTW to accomplish the computations.
  • Fire Dynamics Simulator: Fire dynamics simulator (FDS) is a parallel open-source tool for simulating fire and smoke spread in buildings and structures. This tool can also suggest evacuation scenario in case of fire. The tool is based on LES techniques and developed by NIST, USA.
  • ICEM CFD: ANSYS ICEM CFD is a mesh generation tool for meshing a complicated CAD geometry.