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Brief Description

OLabs provides students with the ease and convenience of conducting experiments and learning activities over the internet. It has been developed to supplement the traditional physical labs and bridge the constraints of time and geographical distances. This not only reduces the costs incurred for conducting experiments in traditional school laboratories but also gives a student the flexibility to explore and repeat experiments till they are thorough. At present, 170+ Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and English experiments, covering topics like Hooke's law, Area of triangle, Tense conversion, etc are available online.

Main uses and domain

For Teachers and students of Classes IX, X, XI, XII for subjects Science, Mathematics and English

Features and Technical Specifications

Platform required (if any):

  • Web Based Application
  • Statistics(Training/Workshops) Date: May 2021

    Training Total CBSE State Board
    Teachers 48264 39250 9014
    Schools 12072 10099 1973

    Current Status of the System (Deployment/Product Commercialization)

  • Available for free access on www.olabs.edu.in.
  • Offline Windows Installer available on request.
  • Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information:

    OLabs DVD/PenDrive containing Windows Installer and relevant documents is priced. The charge comprises handling and shipping charges.

    If you wish to order OLabs DVDs/Pendrives for your school/students/teachers/personal use, write to us with details. Contact details -

  • Contact Person: Ms. Suman NInoriya, +91-22-2756 5303 Ext: 286
  • Email: nsuman[at]cdac[dot]in, etu[at]cdac[dot]in