Product Information

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C-DAC's Toolkit for LOINC (CLNtk)

C-DAC's Toolkit for LOINC is a specially designed FOSS toolkit for easy access and integration of LOINC standards in healthcare applications. Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®) is an international standard for identifying health measurements, observations, and documents.
The toolkit provides simple-to-use APIs for LOINC integration. It enables clinicians and researchers to find relevant LOINC codes from its components including, long common name, short name, display names, and other related information.
The toolkit enables clinicians and researchers to find relevant LOINC codes from its components including, the long common name, short name, display name, and other related information.
LOINC has two main parts: laboratory LOINC and clinical LOINC.
LOINC is a database and universal standard for identifying clinical information in electronic reports. It provides a set of universal names and identifier codes for identifying laboratory and clinical test results.
Regenstrief LOINC Mapping Assistant (RELMA) is a Windows-based mapping utility for searching the LOINC database and mapping local codes to LOINC codes. It is available for free.

Use Cases

•    Integrating LOINC standard in healthcare applications.
•    Enabling LOINC-based health records and reports sharing 
•    Enabling integration of standard codes in healthcare applications
•    Enabling hospitals/clinics to process and analyze health records in a standardized manner
•    Laboratory Management Systems (LMS) for searching, mapping, and accessing LOINC codes based on multiple parameters referred in laboratory tests (such as domain, specimen, test methods, test devices, etc.)

Salient Features

•    Ready to call Representational State Transfer (REST) API Layer exposed as Web Service
•    Provides Elasticsearch index creation from the LOINC standard CSV files
•    RESTFUL API for search, expand panel, and lookup. Also, supported APIs to fetch information from LOINC standard
•    Supports Elastic Search based full-text search
•    Enables searching with advanced search 

Platform Required (if any)

•    Java OpenJDK 1.8.0
•    LOINC version 2.72 CSV files
•    Elasticsearch-7.16.3


Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information

HPC - Medical and Bioinformatics Applications (HPC-MBA) Group
C-DAC Innovation Park, Panchavati, Pashan, Pune - 411008
Phone: 020-25503271
Email: sdk-enq[AT]
