CDAC’s AFC solutions are Vendor and Bank Agnostic Solutions, designed specifically for Indian conditions where heavy footfall are the norms. It is the State of the Art, Scalable, Modular, Highly Secure, NCMC and QR Compliant AFCS with deployment at customer premises and can be customized as per Metro Operator requirements within no time. Our AFCS supports multiple ticketing options like NCMC card and QR coded tickets. Single or multiple journey QR coded tickets for an individual or a group may be purchased through our Mobile App “Travel Mozo”.
For people not using smart phones, Single Journey Paper QR Ticket for same day can be purchased through Ticket office machine (TOM) at the ticket counter/customer care.
AFCS offers near real time monitoring, customized reports and strategic business analytics.
CDAC offers complete solution and lifecycle support to Metro Operators from Roll out to Operation and Maintenance, thus, offering complete peace of mind to metro operators.
Use Cases
1.Automatic Fare Collection System for Metro Operators.
2.Automatic Fare Collection System for Urban Railways/ closed premises.
Salient Features
1.Compliant with NCMC Interface Specifications and QR Specifications for transit.
2.Secure and Fast transactions.
3.Efficient fare collection systems with near real-time revenue information.
4.Reduced Implementation, Operation, and Maintenance costs
5.Faster Customization and Deployment.
6.Strategic Analytics and Reports as per Requirements.
7.Configurable Alarms and Centralized Fault Monitoring.
8.Bidirectional Configurable Gates to handle traffic and special situations.
Technical Specifications
AFC developed by CDAC is compliant with the below specifications release by MoHUA:
1.NCMC Specifications (Part IV-VII): These specifications were released by MoHUA on 11th May,2020 and are available at:
2.QR Ticketing Specifications, namely, Specifications for QR Ticketing System for Transit Applications Version 1.1.
These specification were released by MoHUA for Nationwide adoption on 19th April,2021 and are available at MoHUA website: