OBjective Responses Image based Capture (OBRIC)

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Brief Description

OBjective Responses Image based Capture (OBRIC) is a web-based system for processing of objective type tests conducted using specially designed answer sheets. OBRIC can process scanned images of response sheets (and does not require special OMR scanner) and display processed output as per user requirement. It uses image processing to identify ovals and shading within the oval.

Main uses and domain

Class tests in schools, candidate screening tests for recruitment, etc.

Features and Technical Specifications

Platform required (if any):

  • Web Based Application
  • Current Clients:

  • Current Status of the System (Deployment/Product Commercialization)

  • Available as a service on a pay by use basis.
  • Interested organizations can write to us.
  • Contact Details for Techno Commercial Information:

    Pricing depends on number of sheets to be processed.

    Contact details -

  • Mr. Vaibhav Singh, +91-22-2756 5303 Ext: 278
  • Email: vaibhavs[at]cdac[dot]in, etu[at]cdac[dot]in
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