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CLNtk Toolkit Overview

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CLNtk Overview

C-DAC's Toolkit for LOINC is a specially designed FOSS toolkit for easy access and integration of LOINC standard in health care applications. Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC®) is an international standard for identifying health measurements, observations, and documents.
The toolkit provides simple to use APIs for LOINC integration. It enables clinicians and researchers to find out relevant LOINC codes from its components including, long common name, short name, display name, and other related information.


  • Easy to use RESTFUL API for hassle free integration of LOINC standard
  • Enables quick & easy integration with minimal changes required in the application
  • Free & Opensource Software (FOSS) under Apache License v2.0
  • Enables efficient electronic ordering of tests from multiple laboratories
  • Toolkit based on platform independent technologies
  • Provides detailed API documentation and illustrative examples for simplified adoption process


The toolkit is designed to be easily programmable allowing developers to build sophisticated and complex applications on top of it. The package includes the deployable, supporting documents, and integration examples.

The toolkit allows Elasticsearch index creation from the LOINC standard CSV files and provides ready to call Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs that can be readily deployed along with application or centrally by the user for one or more products / deployment.

C-DAC's Toolkit for LOINC provides

  • Elasticsearch index from the LOINC standard CSV files
  • An extensive set of APIs categorized as LOINC APIs and Supporting APIs
  • Search capability across multiple sources/tables such as LOINC, PanelAndForm, and Parts CSV files
  • Advanced search syntax capability
  • Integration example
