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ISM V6 Intelligent Script Manager

C-DAC Logo

ISM V6 Intelligent Script Manager

Your gateway to Indian Language computing…


Since 1991, the ISM range of software, from C-DAC GIST has been providing the state of the art Indian language edge to existing as well as custom designed applications software. ISM has evolved over the years to remain abreast with the incessantly varying user requirements. Now we present Unicode Compliant ISM which has Open Type fonts support. The all new ISM, version 6, is even more powerful and versatile than ever before. Word processing, database applications, web based applications, publishing or even custom built software - nothing is beyond its preview.

Comprising ISM Office, ISM Publisher and ISM Soft the ISM family meets precise needs of diverse user groups.

Supporting 19 Indian languages besides English, the ISM range has a colossal collection of designs, clip arts and is packed with a multitude of user friendly features.

All crafted to take you impeccably to the subsequently echelon of Indian language computing at a click.

Your gateway to Indian Language Computing

Content Creation

Intelligent Inputting Methodology

Data Versatility

Publishing Facilities

Application Areas

Versions Available

Comparison between different ISM flavours

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