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PG Diploma in Mobile Computing (PG-DMC)

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The Post-Graduate Diploma in Mobile Computing (PG-DMC) is one of the pioneering programs of ACTS. The main focus of this course is to enable the candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria, to develop their skill set mainly in areas like Native and Hybrid Mobile Application Development. The course also focuses on Java Programming, as part of the industry requirement. This course incorporates  Mobility and Analytics keeping in view the emerging trends in mobile technology as well as contemporary and futuristic human resource requirements of the Mobile Industry. The depth and width of the course is unique in the industry covering a wide spectrum of the ICT industry.

The educational eligibility criteria for PG-DMC course is:

  • Graduate in Engineering or Technology (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation, OR
  • MSc/MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics. OR
  • Post Graduate Degree in Mathematics / Statistics, OR
  • MCA
  • The candidates must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in their qualifying examination.

PG-DMC course will be delivered in fully PHYSICAL mode. The total course fee and payment details are as detailed herein below:

The total course fee is INR. 90,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by Government of India (GOI).

The course fee for PG-DMC has to be paid in two installments as per the schedule.

  • First installment is INR. 10,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.
  • Second installment is INR. 80,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.

The course fee includes expenses towards delivering classes, conducting examinations, final mark-list and certificate, and placement assistance provided.

The first installment course fee of Rs 10,000/- + GST on it as applicable at the time of payment is to be paid online as per the schedule. It can be paid using credit/debit cards through the payment gateway. The first installment of the course fees is to be paid after seat is allocated during counseling rounds.

The second installment of the course fees is to be paid before the course commencement through NEFT.

NOTE: Candidates may take note that no Demand Draft (DD) or cheque or cash will be accepted at any C-DAC training centre towards payment of any installment of course fees.

   OS Concepts: Introduction to Operating System, Processes Architecture, Multithreading, CPU Scheduling and Synchronization, Memory management
Linux Programming: Introduction Linux Architecture, Basic Commands, Linux Shell Programming.

   Need of RDBMS Client/Server, Computing Codd’s Rules, Data Models, Normalization Techniques, ER Diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams, SQL: DDL, DML, DCL, Sub query Joins, SQL Functions, Stored Procedures, NoSQL concepts, Introduction to MongoDB.

   Introduction to STL (Standard Type Libraries), Define the problem, Find Creative Solutions using creativity tools, Evaluate and Select solution, Implementing Decisions, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Analyzing time and space complexity.
Basic Data Structures: Arrays, Stacks, Queues (Circular Queues, Priority Queues, Dequeues), Linked lists (Single, Double and Circular Linked Lists), 
Trees and Applications: Tree traversals, Ordered Trees, Binary trees, Complete Binary Trees, Search trees, Binary Search Trees, Self-Balancing Trees
Searching & sorting algorithms: Sequential Search, Binary Search, Selection sort, Insertion sort, Bubble sort, Heap sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Hash Functions and Hash Tables
Graph and Applications: Graph traversal algorithms (BFS, DFS), Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Bellman Ford Algorithm, All-pairs shortest path, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, Johnson's algorithm, Maximum flow algorithms, Ford-Fulkerson algorithms, Spanning Trees.

   OOPS: Introduction to OOPs concepts, Classes and Objects, Access specifiers, Namespaces and Tokens, Abstraction, Data hiding, Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance
Core Java: Java 8 and its features, Introduction to JDK, JRE &JVM, JVM Architecture Overview, Data types, Variables, Constants, Operators, Arrays and control statements (if, for, while, switch etc.). Classes in java, Constructors, instance data, method overloading and overriding, super and this keyword, static variables, methods, block and scope, lifetime. Packages and access rules, Inheritance and its types, Runtime and Compile Time Polymorphism, Abstract classes and Interfaces, Inner classes, Exception Handling, String and Wrapper classes, Generics and Collections, File Handling and Multithreading, Reflection, Java n/w programming, JDBC Driver and Architecture.

   Introduction to JSON, Servlets, Session Management, JSP and JSTL, MVC Architecture Hibernate framework, ORM Concepts, JPA, Hibernate architecture, Annotation support and ID generators. Transaction management, Hibernate Session CRUD API, Hibernate caching,
HQL, Spring framework, Overview, IOC, Dependency Injection, Spring Beans, Spring Core Container, Autowiring, Web application using Controller, Service & DTO layers, Spring Hibernate Integration and Testing, Web Services, REST Architecture, RESTful web service using Spring Boot, Integration and Testing of RESTful web server and client, Java Mail API.

              i.        Android Programming (110 Hrs)

Introduction of Android and its architecture, Android SDK features, Introduction to Kotlin      Programming, Android activities, lifecycle and callback methods, Android UI design    fundamentals, Layouts, Intents, Toast, Adapters, Dialogs , Animations, Notification and Media Player, Material Design, Fragments , fragments lifecycle and callback methods.List View and  Recycler view, ActionBar, ToolBar, Menus and Popups, View Pager, Navigation Drawer Android Storage: SQLite database,Content Providers, Multitasking in Android, Android Location based services, Android Sensors, Using blue tooth and telephony Consuming REST API , JSON Parsing, Retrofit Libraries, Integration with Social Networking like Facebook, Twitter etc , Design Patterns- MVP and MVVM, Publish application on play store.

        ii.        iOS Programming (50 Hrs)

iOS History and iOS Architecture, Swift Programming Basics, iOS app development: XCode, UIKit, Controllers, Storyboard, Basic UI Controls, UITextField, UIButton, UILabel, UISegmentedControl, Controller Life Cycle, UINavigationController, UIAlertController, Advance UI Development, Local Storage, REST API Integration:  Multithreading and GCD, CocoaPods, JSON GET POST Handling, Alamofire, SwiftyJSON.

   Introduction to Hybrid development, Hybrid application frameworks, HTML 5.0, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express, Responsive Web Design, React Native: Introduction to React Native and its architecture.
Props and states, Inline and External styling, React native binding, handling events and user inputs, validations, using network in app, Timers, Animations and Gesture Support, Consuming web services, Publishing App to Play Store and App Store.

    Aptitude: Percentage, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Average, Mixture & Allegation, Simple Interest & Compound Interest,   Seating Arrangements (Linear & Circular), Ages, Time, Speed & Distance, Trains, Boats & Streams, Time & Work, Wages (Man days), Pipes & Cisterns, Clocks, Permutations & Combinations, Probability, 
Effective Communication: Personality Development, English Grammar, Correct Usage of English,  Listening Skills, Reading Skills, Writing Skills, Formal Application Writing, Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Group Discussions, Personal Interviews

   Software: A Process, Various Phases in s/w development Software life cycle agile model (Self Study of other models), Introduction to Coding Standards Software Quality Assurance.

After completion of course students will be able to acquire the following skills:
  • Design and build advanced native apps on Android and iOS platform,work with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship  new features, unit-test code for sturdiness, including edge cases, usability, and general reliability. Identify and correct bottlenecks and  fix bugs,continuously discover, evaluate, and implement new technologies to maximize development efficiency.
  • Design and build Hybrid mobile apps through HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript web standards.
  • Analyse and explain the behaviour of programs involving the fundamental program constructs, Design and implement a class based on  attributes and behaviours of objects. Design and implement components like: Session, Entity, EJBs. Understand the multi-tier  architecture of web-based enterprise applications using Enterprise JavaBeans. Integrate Servlets, JSPs with EJB and Databases in J2EE  application. Understand the deployment descriptor and enterprise application deployment.
  • How to think creatively, analytically and abstractly about computational problems.

Sunbeam Institute of Information Technology
Sunbeam IT Park, Phase-II (Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park) Hinjewadi, Pune
Maharashtra 411057
Contact Person
Mr. Nitin Kudale, C.E.O.
020 –24260308

  Q. What is the Eligibility for PG-Diploma in Mobile Computing?  

A. The eligibility Criteria for PG-DMC is candidate holding any one of the following  degrees

  • Graduate in Engineering or Technology (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation. OR MSc/MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics. OR
  • Post Graduate Degree in Engineering Sciences with corresponding basic degree (e.g. MSc in Computer Science, IT, Electronics) OR
  • Post Graduate Degree in Mathematics or Statistics allied areas, OR
  • MCA
  • The candidates must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in their qualifying examination.


Q. What is the selection criterion?  

A. The selection process consists of a C-DAC Common Admission Test (C-CAT).


Q. What is Fee of course? 

A. The fees for the PG-DMC course is Rs. 90,000/- (Rupees Ninety Thousand Hundred only) plus GST as applicable by GOI.  


Q. When the course does commence?  

A. Twice in a year in the month of August and March. Admission process will start in month of May and December every year. 


Q. Duration of the course?  

A. The duration of course is 24 weeks’ approximately full-time course with 900 hours Theory+Practical+Project Work


Q. Infrastructure Facilities available?  

A. Fully equipped classrooms capacity to accommodate students and state-of-art labs to explore you computing skills 


Q. Hostel & Canteen facility available?  

A. Accommodation for out station candidates is facilitated by the center.


Q. What is the medium of instruction for PG Diploma Courses?                                       

  A. The medium of instruction for the PG Diploma Courses is English.


Q. Revision of the course contents, is it every six months?  

A. The course contents are revised according to the real world needs and when found relevant to the market demands.


