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PG Diploma in Big Data Analytics (PG-DBDA)

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PG-DBDA will educate the aspirants who want to make an impact in the corporate and academic world in the domain of big data analytics as data scientist and researcher, big data leads/administrators/managers, business analysts and data visualization specialists. The course is also suitable for those who are already working in analytics to enhance their theoretical and conceptual knowledge as well as those with analytical aptitude and would like to start career in big data analytics in different business sectors. The collaboration with the different multi-national companies at the level of mutual research interests and customer related projects will ease the path for campus recruitment. The students will be able to work with big data platform, analyze various big data analysis techniques for useful business applications, design efficient algorithms for mining the data from large volumes, analyze the HADOOP and Map Reduce technologies associated with big data analytics, and explore big data applications

The theoretical and practical mix of the Post Graduate Diploma in Big Data Analytics (PG-DBDA) programme has the following focus:

  • To explore the fundamental concepts of big data analytics with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the big data analytics domain
  • To understand the various search methods and visualization techniques and to use various techniques for mining data stream
  • To analyze and solve problems conceptually and practically from diverse industries, such as government manufacturing, retail, education, banking/ finance, healthcare and pharmaceutical
  • To undertake consulting and industrial projects with significant data analysis component for better understanding of the theoretical concepts from statistics, economics and building future solutions data analytics to make an impact in the technological advancement
  • To use advanced analytical tools/ decision-making tools/ operation research techniques to analyze the complex problems and get ready to develop such new techniques for the future
  • To learn Cloud Computing, accessing resources and services needed to perform functions with dynamically changing needs

PG-DBDA will educate the aspirants who want to make an impact in the corporate and academic world in the domain of big data analytics as data scientist and researcher, big data leads/administrators/managers, business analysts and data visualization specialists. The course is also suitable for those who are already working in analytics to enhance their theoretical and conceptual knowledge as well as those with analytical aptitude and would like to start career in big data analytics in different business sectors. The collaboration with the different multi-national companies at the level of mutual research interests and customer related projects will ease the path for campus recruitment. The students will be able to work with big data platform, analyze various big data analysis techniques for useful business applications, design efficient algorithms for mining the data from large volumes, analyze the HADOOP and Map Reduce technologies associated with big data analytics, and explore big data applications

The theoretical and practical mix of the Post Graduate Diploma in Big Data Analytics (PG-DBDA) programme has the following focus:

  • To explore the fundamental concepts of big data analytics with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the big data analytics domain
  • To understand the various search methods and visualization techniques and to use various techniques for mining data stream
  • To analyze and solve problems conceptually and practically from diverse industries, such as government manufacturing, retail, education, banking/ finance, healthcare and pharmaceutical
  • To undertake consulting and industrial projects with significant data analysis component for better understanding of the theoretical concepts from statistics, economics and building future solutions data analytics to make an impact in the technological advancement
  • To use advanced analytical tools/ decision-making tools/ operation research techniques to analyze the complex problems and get ready to develop such new techniques for the future
  • To learn Cloud Computing, accessing resources and services needed to perform functions with dynamically changing needs

The educational criteria for PG-DBDA course is

  • Graduate in Engineering or Technology (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation. OR 
  • MSc/MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics. OR
  • Graduate in any discipline of Engineering, OR
  • Post Graduate Degree in Management  with corresponding basic degree in Computer Science, IT, Computer Application OR
  • Post Graduate Degree in Mathematics / Statistics / Physics OR 
  • MCA, MCM
  • The candidates must have secured a minimum of 55% marks in their qualifying examination.

The Post Graduate Diploma in Big Data Analytics (PG-DBDA) course will be delivered in fully ONLINE or fully PHYSICAL mode. The total course fee and payment details for the fully PHYSICAL or fully ONLINE mode of delivery is as detailed herein below:


1.      PHYSICAL Mode of Delivery:

The course fee for the fully PHYSICAL mode of delivery is INR. 1,15,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by Government of India (GOI).

The course fee for PG-DBDA has to be paid in two installments as per the schedule.

  • First installment is INR. 10,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.
  • Second installment is INR. 1,05,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.

2.      ONLINE Mode of Delivery:

The course fee of the fully ONLINE mode of delivery is INR. 97,750/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.

The course fee for PG-DBDA has to be paid in two installments as per the schedule.

  • First installment is INR. 10,000/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.
  • Second installment is INR. 87,750/- plus Goods and Service Tax (GST) as applicable by GOI.

The course fee includes expenses towards delivering classes, conducting examinations, final mark-list and certificate, and placement assistance provided.

The first installment course fee of Rs 10,000/- + GST on it as applicable at the time of payment is to be paid online as per the schedule. It can be paid using credit/debit cards through the payment gateway. The first installment of the course fees is to be paid after seat is allocated during counseling rounds.

The second installment of the course fees is to be paid before the course commencement through NEFT.

NOTE: Candidates may take note that no Demand Draft (DD) or cheque or cash will be accepted at any C-DAC training centre towards payment of any installment of course fees.


Linux Programming: Installation (Ubuntu and CentOS), Basics of Linux, Configuring Linux, Shells, Commands, and Navigation, Common Text Editors, Administering Linux, Introduction to Users and Groups, Linux shell scripting, shell computing, Introduction to enterprise computing, Remote access.

Introduction to Git/GitHub/Gitlab: Introduction to Version control systems, Creating GitHub repository, Using Git – Introduction to get commands, Creating projects on Github/gitlab and managing code repos.

Introduction to Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing Basics, Understanding Cloud Vendors (AWS:EC2 instance, lambda and Azure: Azure virtual machines, Azure data factory), Definition, Characteristics, Components, Cloud provider, SAAS, PAAS, IAAS and other Organizational scenarios of clouds, benefits and limitations, Deploy application over cloud. Comparison among SAAS, PAAS, IAAS, Cloud Products and Solutions, Compute Products and Services, Elastic Cloud Compute, Dashboard, deploy AI and analytics workloads in Cloud environments with sample mini project.


Python Programming: Python basics, If, If- else, Nested if-else, Looping, For, While, Nested loops, Control Structure, Break, Continue, Pass, Strings and Tuples, Accessing Strings, Basic Operations, String slices, Working with Lists, Accessing list, Operations, Function and Methods, Files, Pickling, Modules, Dictionaries, Dictionary Comprehension, Functions and Functional Programming, Declaring and calling Functions, Declare, assign and retrieve values from Lists, Introducing Tuples, Accessing tuples, Visualizing using  Matplotlib, Seaborn, OOPs concept, Class and object, Attributes, Inheritance, Overloading, Overriding, Data hiding, Generators, Decorators, Operations Exception, Exception Handling, except clause, Try-finally clause, User Defined Exceptions, Data wrangling, Data cleaning, Load images and audio files using python libraries(pillow/scikit-learn), Creation of python virtual environment, Logging in Python.

R Programming: Reading and Getting Data into R, Exporting Data from R, Data Objects-Data Types & Data Structure. Viewing Named Objects, Structure of Data Items, Manipulating and Processing Data in R (Creating, Accessing, sorting data frames, Extracting, Combining, Merging, reshaping data frames), Control Structures, Functions in R (numeric, character, statistical), working with objects, Viewing Objects within Objects, Constructing Data Objects, Packages – Tidyverse, Dplyr, Tidyr etc., Queuing Theory, Case Study.


Introduction to Java Virtual Machine,Data Types, Operators and Language, OOPs Concepts, Constructs, Inner Classes and Inheritance, Interface and Package, Exceptions, Collections, Threads, Java.lang,, Java.util, Lambda Expressions,  Introduction to Streams, Introduction of JDBC API.


Introduction to Business Analytics using some case studies, Summary Statistics, Making Right Business Decisions based on data, Statistical Concepts, Descriptive Statistics and its measures, Probability theory, Probability Distributions (Continuous and discrete- Normal, Binomial and Poisson distribution) and Data, Sampling and Estimation, Statistical Interfaces, Predictive modelling and analysis, Bayes’ Theorem, Central Limit theorem,Statistical Inference Terminology (types of errors, tails of test, confidence intervals etc.),Hypothesis Testing, Parametric Tests: ANOVA, t-test, Non parametric Tests- chi-Square, U-Test Data Exploration & preparation, Concepts of Correlation,  Covariance, Outliers, Simulation and Risk Analysis, Optimization, Linear, Integer, Overview of Factor Analysis, Directional Data Analytics, Functional Data Analysis, Predictive Modelling (From Correlation To Supervised Segmentation): Identifying Informative Attributes, Segmenting Data By Progressive Attributive, Models, Induction And Prediction, Supervised Segmentation, Visualizing Segmentations, Trees As Set Of Rules, Probability Estimation; Decision Analytics: Evaluating Classifiers, Analytical Framework, Evaluation, Baseline, Performance And Implications For Investments In Data; Evidence And Probabilities: Explicit Evidence Combination With Bayes Rule, Probabilistic Reasoning; Business Strategy: Achieving Competitive Advantages, Sustaining Competitive Advantages

Python Libraries – Pandas, Numpy, Scrapy,Plotly, Beautiful soup


Database Concepts (File System and DBMS), OLAP vs OLTP, Database Storage Structures (Tablespace, Control files, Data files), Structured and Unstructured data, SQL Commands (DDL, DML & DCL), Stored functions and procedures in SQL, Conditional Constructs in SQL, data collection, Designing Database schema,Normal Forms and ER Diagram, Relational Database modelling, Stored Procedures , Triggers. The tools and how data can be gathered in a systematic fashion, Data ware Housing concept, No-SQL, Data Models - XML, working with MongoDB, Cassandra- overview, comparison with MongoDB, working with Cassendra, Connecting DB’s with Python, Introduction to Data Driven Decisions, Enterprise Data Management, data preparation and cleaning techniques

Understanding Data Lakes – concepts, architecture and components, Data Lake vs. Data Warehouse vs. Lakehouse, data storage management, processing and transformation, workflow orchestration, analytics in Data Lake, case study using Delta Lake with analytics and AI.


Introduction to Big Data-Big Data - Beyond The Hype, Big Data Skills And Sources Of Big Data, Big Data Adoption, Research And Changing Nature Of Data Repositories, Data Sharing And Reuse Practices And Their Implications For Repository Data Curation,

Hadoop: Introduction of Big Data Programming-Hadoop, The ecosystem and stack, The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Components of Hadoop, Design of HDFS, Java interfaces to HDFS, Architecture overview, Development Environment, Hadoop distribution and basic commands, Eclipse development, The HDFS command line and web interfaces, The HDFS Java API, Analyzing the Data with Hadoop, Scaling Out, Hadoop event stream processing, complex event processing, MapReduce Introduction, Developing a Map Reduce Application, How Map Reduce Works, The MapReduce Anatomy of a Map Reduce Job run, Failures, Job Scheduling, Shuffle and Sort, Task execution, Map Reduce Types and Formats, Map Reduce Features, Real-World MapReduce,

Hadoop Environment: Setting up a Hadoop Cluster, Cluster specification, Cluster Setup and Installation, Hadoop Configuration, Security in Hadoop, Administering Hadoop, HDFS – Monitoring & Maintenance, Hadoop benchmarks,

Apache Airflow/ETL Informatica: Introduction to Data warehousing and Data lakes, Designing Data warehousing for an ETL Data Pipeline, Designing Data Lakes for ETL Data Pipeline, ETL vs ELT

Introduction to HIVE: Programming with Hive: Data warehouse system for Hadoop, Optimizing with Combiners and Practitioners, Bucketing, more common algorithms: sorting, indexing and searching, Relational manipulation: map-side and reduce-side joins, evolution, purpose and use, Case Studies on Ingestion and warehousing

HBase: Overview, comparison and architecture, java client API, CRUD operations and security

Apache Spark: Overview,  APIs for large-scale data processing, Linking with Spark, Initializing Spark, Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), External Datasets, RDD Operations, Passing Functions to Spark, Job optimization, Working with Key-Value Pairs, Shuffle operations, RDD Persistence, Removing Data, Shared Variables, EDA using PySpark, Deploying to a Cluster Spark Streaming, Spark MLlib and ML APIs, Spark Data Frames/Spark SQL, Integration of Spark and Kafka, Setting up Kafka Producer and Consumer, Kafka Connect API, Map reduce, Connecting DB’s with Spark


Business Intelligence- requirements, content and managements, information Visualization, Data analytics Life Cycle, Analytic Processes and Tools, Analysis vs. Reporting, MS Excel: Functions, Formula, charts, Pivots and Lookups, Data Analysis Tool pack: Descriptive Summaries, Correlation, Regression, Introduction to Tableau, Data sources in Tableau, Taxonomy of data visualization, Numeric, String, Date Calculations, LOD (Level of Detail) Expressions, Modern Data Analytic Tools, Visualization Techniques.


Machine Learning:

Introduction to machine learning, Formal learning model – PAC learning, Bias complexity trade off, The VC Dimension, Non-uniform learnability (Structural risk minimization and Occam’s Razor and No Free Lunch Theorem), Regularization and Stability, Model Selection and Validation, Machine Learning taxonomy – Supervised, Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning, practical use cases of Machine learning, Unsupervised Learning – Clustering (K-Means and its variants), Hierarchical Clustering, Dimension Reduction (PCA, Kernel PCA, LDA, Random Projections), Fundamentals of information theory, Supervised Learning with simple and ensemble learning – Classification and Regression (KNN, Decision Trees, Bayesian analysis and Naïve Bayes classifier, Random forest, Gradient boosting Machines, SVM, XGBoost, CatBoost, Linear and Non-linear regression), Time series Forecasting.

Deep Learning:

Introduction to neural networks (Neurons, construction of networks, backpropagation) , Introducing Modern Practical Deep Networks (Deep Feedforward Networks, Regularization for Deep Learning, Optimization for Training Deep Models), Convolutional Neural Networks, Sequence modelling using recurrent neural networks, Transfer Learning, Autoencoders, Object Detection, Object Segmentation and Tracking, Concepts of NLP.

Generative AI:  

Introduction to transformers, Difference between encoder, decoder and encoder-decoder architectures, Attention Mechanisms, Overview of BERT, Application of transformers, Introduction to LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS, Understanding and handling TEXT DATA, Understand the concept of fine-tuning pre-trained model, Reward Models and Alignment Strategies, Practical case studies using SLMs and LLMs, Deployment of LLMs.


Aptitude: Percentage, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Average, Mixture & Allegation, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Number Systems, Series, Cyclicity & Remainders, Data Interpretation, Syllogism, Coding & Decoding, Blood Relations, Seating Arrangements (Linear & Circular), Ages, Puzzles, Time, Speed & Distance, Trains, Boats & Streams, Time & Work, Wages (Man days), Pipes & Cisterns, Clocks, Permutations & Combinations, Probability, Calendar.

Effective Communication: Fundamentals of Communication, The Art of Communication, Personality Development, English Grammar, Correct Usage of English, Common Mistakes in English Communication, Listening Skills, Reading Skills, Writing Skills, Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Group Discussions, Interpersonal Skills, Personal Interviews


Clustering and filtering approach in big data using Machine Learning Models, Energy efficient in big data gathering, Dynamic Big Data Storage on Cloud & Fine-Grained Updates.

After completing this course students will be trained in statistics and machine learning using Python. They will make data driven decisions which provide them a competitive advantage in the market, technologies like Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Machine Learning provides a spring board for AI which makes them ready for Industry 4.0.  At the end of the course students will be able to work as Data Analysts, Data Engineers. Studying Big Data will broaden their horizon by surpassing market forecast / predictions for Big Data Analytics.

C-DACs - Advanced Computing Training School
No. 68, 4th Cross, Electronic City Phase 1, Hosur Road, Opp.BSNL Telephone Exchange Bengaluru
Karnataka 560100
+91-80-28523300 / +91-80-25093400/
Contact Person
Mr. Arun Shankar

C-DACs - Advanced Computing Training School
"TIDEL Park", 8th Floor,'D' Block (North), No.4, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Taramani Chennai
Tamilnadu 600113
044 - 22542226/7, 044-22542273
Contact Person

C-DACs - Advanced Computing Training School
Plot No. 6 & 7, Hardware Park, Sy No. 1/1, Srisailam Highway, Pahadi Shareef Via Keshavagiri (Post), Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh 500016
7382053731 / 2
Contact Person
Mr. Sharanabasappa , Senior Technical Officer

C-DACs - Advanced Computing Training School
Plot E 2/1, Blok - GP, Sector - V, Saltlake Electronics Complex, Bidhannagar, Kolkata
West Bengal 700091
033 2357 5989 / 9846
Contact Person
Asok Bandyopadhyay
033 23575141

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
Sector 7, Rain Tree Marg, Next to Bharati Vidyapeeth, Near Kharghar Rly Stn, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai
Maharashtra 400614
022 27565303/5308 extn. 214
Contact Person
Ms. Rekha Sivasankaran (Admissions & Hostel)
USMs Shriram Mantri Vidyanidhi Info Tech Academy
5th Floor, Vidyanidhi School, Vidyanidhi Road, JVPD Scheme, Juhu Mumbai
Maharashtra 400049
022 - 26255629
Contact Person
Ms. Savita Thakur
022 - 26255629

C-DACs - Advanced Computing Training School
Plot No. 20, FC-33, Institutional Area, Jasola, New Delhi 110025 New Delhi
New Delhi 110025
Contact Person

C-DACs - Advanced Computing Training School
B-30, Sector 62, Institutional Area, Noida
Uttar Pradesh 201307
9711770748, 0120-2210800, Ext 92
Contact Person
Mr. Ravi Payal

C-DAC's Advanced Computing Training School
C-DAC Innovation Park Sr. No. 34/B/1 Panchvati, Pashan Pune
Maharashtra 411008
Contact Person
Mr. Parimal Wagh
Institute for Advanced Computing and Software Development
Dr. D.Y. Patil Educational Complex, Sector 29, Near Akurdi Railway Station, Pradhikaran, Nigdi Pune
Maharashtra 411044
020 – 27659509, 27652794
Contact Person
Dr. Bharat Chavan Patil
020 –27650229
Knowledge-Divine Information Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Office No: 2, 1st Floor, "Gokhale Sanchit" Survey No: 846, BMCC Road, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune
Maharashtra 411004
020 25648081/82
Contact Person
Mr. Nachiketas Bhatkar, CEO
020 41051819
Sunbeam Institute of Information Technology
Sunbeam IT Park, Phase-II (Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park) Hinjewadi, Pune
Maharashtra 411057
Contact Person
Mr. Nitin Kudale, C.E.O.
020 –24260308

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
NIT Silchar campus, Silchar
Assam 788010
Contact Person
Mr. Ranjan Singh

C-DACs - Advanced Computing Training School, Software Training and Development Centre (STDC)
C-DAC Technopark Campus, Kariyavattom P. O. Thiruvananthapuram
Kerala 695581
0471-2781500, 8547882754
Contact Person
Mr. Hiron Bose

Q. What is the Eligibility for PG-Diploma in Big Data Analytics?  
A. The eligibility Criteria for PG-DBDA is Candidate holding any one of the following degrees

Graduate in Engineering or Technology (10+2+4 or 10+3+3 years) in IT / Computer Science / Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation. OR 

  • MSc/MS (10+2+3+2 years) in Computer Science, IT, Electronics with Mathematics in 10+2.OR
  • Graduate in any discipline of Engineering, OR
  • Post Graduate Degree in Engineering Sciences with corresponding basic degree (e.g. MSc in Computer Science, IT, Electronics) OR
  • Post Graduate Degree in Mathematics / Statistics / Physics / MBA Systems, OR 
  • MCA
  • The candidates must have secured a minimum of 55% marks in their qualifying examination

Q. What is the selection criterion?  

A. The selection process consists of a C-DAC's Common Admission Test (C-CAT).

Q. What is Fee of course? 

A. The fees for the PG-DBDA course is Rs. 97,750/- (Rupees Ninety Seven thousand Seven  hundred and Fifty only) plus 18 % GST for online mode and Rs.1,15,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Fifteen Thousand Only) plus 18 % GST for physical mode of delivery. 

Q. When the course does commence?  

A. The Course commences twice in the year i.e. March & August. Admission Process starts in the month of December & May for the respective batches.

Q. Duration of the course?  

A. It’s 24 weeks approximately full-time course with 900 hours of Theory + Practical + Project work.

Q. Infrastructure Facilities available?
A. Fully equipped classrooms with adequate capacity to accommodate students and 
     state-of-art labs to explore your computing skills

Q. Hostel & Canteen facility available?  
A. Accommodation for out station candidates is facilitated by some of centers. Please refer Admission Booklet.
Q. Revision of the course contents, is it every six months? 
A. The course contents are revised according to the real world needs and when found relevant to emerging trends.

Q. Do you have centralized placement cell?  
A. Yes. We do have a Centralized Placement Programme where the respective center
     actively participates to organize the campus interviews for all the students.
Q. What is the value of the course in the international market?  
A. The course has been a trend-setting course due to its unique curriculum and the 
     opportunities that it generates; hence it gives the edge over for the students and 
     gives an international edge.
