C-DAC CSI Nihilent e-Governance Awards 2013

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The CSI-Nihilent e-Governance awards are now over a decade old. In keeping with the vision of the founders of the Special Interest Group on e-Governance of the Computer Society of India, the awards – under all categories - have acquired unparalleled levels of respectability and repute. Pioneers of e-Governance in the Country have been at the helm of the awards. The Governments - both at the Centre and State levels - and many of their departments including DeitY and NIC provide their active support, year after year. Eminent personalities drawn from the Government, the Industry and the academia lend their time and expertise to the assessment process.

e Governance Award 2013

CDAC Noida was awarded the CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Award for Implementing Megh Sushrut a Cloud Based Health Management Information System in the State of Rajasthan. The award was presented on 14th of December, 2013 at Visakhapatnam by Sh. J. Satyanarayana, Secretary (DeitY) Government of India and Professor S. V. Raghavan National President CSI & Scientific Secretary to Principal Scientific Advisor, Government of India.


Megh Sushrut an ERP Solution for Health Delivery is the first such initiative in the country by C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing) for providing Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) using the emerging Cloud Computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) paradigm and is being implemented across the hospitals in Rajasthan State.

About Megh Sushrut

Megh Sushrut is an attempt by C-DAC to use ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for Government hospitals in India. The communication backbone in the country has now become robust enough to allow seamless functioning of HMIS solutions over the cloud Infrastructure. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to provide healthcare services to the masses by leveraging computing power at low cost.

C-DAC’s Hospital Management Information System is a major step towards adapting technology to improve healthcare. It incorporates an integrated computerized clinical information system for improved hospital administration and patient health care. It also provides an accurate, electronically stored medical record of the patient. A data warehouse of such records can be utilized for statistical requirements and for research. The real time HMIS streamlines the treatment flow of patients and simultaneously empowering workforce to perform to their peak ability, in an optimized and efficient manner. It is modeled on the unique combination of a ‘patient centric and medical staff centric’ paradigm, thus providing benefits to both the recipients and the providers of healthcare. It ensures dramatic improvement in performance along with reducing the costs. The beneficiary hospital uses the Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) as a Service and does not need to undergo the challenges posed by technology, administration and implementation in computerization.
