Manthan Award 2013

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Multilingual Multimedia tool for mitigating code of conduct cases at Election Commission

Category: E-Inclusion and Localisation

This product ‘Multilingual Multimedia tool for mitigating code of conduct cases at Election Commission’ is a backend process of Election commission to retrieve all the information regarding code of conduct at Election Commission within 6 hours.

This was implemented for the first time for Gujarat Election Commission during the Assembly polls in 2012.

  • This tool has been used for automatic finding of code of conduct violations in newspaper advertisements.
  • This end-to-end solution is scalable and adaptive to the different applications where automatic metadata creation, indexing and searching is done over image documents.

Information Extraction


  • Recognition or Conversion of printed news information of Textual format through Optical Character Recognizer (OCR) for tagging & searching.
  • Facility for Keyword Switch on processed Textual data through keyboard input in English, Hindi & Gujarati.
  • Display of Result from Textual Data based on pre defined keywords/phrase.

e-safeT Team

The team members of the project are Sh. Tushar Patnaik, Sh. Bhupendra Kumar, Sh. Deepak Kr Arya which are guided and driven by Sh. B.K. Murthy (Executive Director).
