Success Stories and Testimonials

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Dr. Arun Shourie, Hon'ble Minister for Disinvestment, Communications & IT

Making C-DAC Proud at the India Economic Summit

Dr. Arun ShourieDr. Arun Shourie, Hon'ble Minister of Disinvestment and Communications and Information Technology visited
, Pune on November 22, 2003 and acquainted himself with the activities and achievements of C-DAC. He was also familiarized with the grid computing initiatives of C-DAC to set up the nation's grid computing infrastructure.

During his address at the World Economic Forum-India Economic Summit held in New Delhi recently, Dr. Shourie lauded C-DAC's efforts in carrying forward the grid computing initiative, while explaining the governments stand on the R&D scenario in the IT sector. An excerpt of his speech in this context is presented below:

"I was just now in Pune and I am very happy to report that for the project, which was sanctioned 2-3 months ago on a grid, connecting 9 nodes for grid computing, the node between Bangalore and Pune has already been operationalized and it is in use. And it has been done actually in record time precisely because we were able to cooperate with Railtel."

