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C-DAC Logo


C-DAC as a pioneering organisation in Information Technology and electronics has committed itself to broaden the horizons of the present areas in Information Technology domain as well as explore and engage in the avant-garde visionary areas. We also resonate with the idea of disseminating the knowledge and awareness of how technology can benefit society at large by making their lives easy and conducive. Publishing blogs is another endeavour leading us to that objective.



Blockchain - What's the hype about?

Blockchain has been creating a lot of buzz for being the technology behind the "magic beans" (Bitcoins). So let’s understand the hype behind it.


Blockchain Explained - Concept, Function and Security

Blockchain is a promising and revolutionary technology and there seem to be a lot of work happening around it. But is everyone familiar with this trailblazer?


Benefits of Blockchain that can Transform Businesses

The market of blockchain is evolving very rapidly and the reason is its ability to provide some prodigious benefits for the businesses.


Blockchain - The Technology for Document Management

The management and security of documents is a complex undertaking which can be made much easier, cheaper and more efficient with Blockchain.

Digital Signatures

How Digital Signatures are The Future of Document Authentication?

The digital signature market is expected to grow manifolds with various sectors adopting this advanced practice of authentication which is faster, cheaper and secure, but how?


e-Hastakshar: A Secure and Convenient Approach to Digital Signing.

With the countless number of business transactions and document exchange happening over the internet today, who doesn’t need a secure, reliable and legal method of signing and authenticating documents?

National Initiatives

National Common Mobility Card - A Single Card for a Gamut of Digital Transactions

Imagine the convenience of carrying just one card which can take care of both your banking and transport requirements. It could be used at transport vendors and for other merchant payments with equal ease. Well that’s a reality now.

National Initiatives

Emergency Response Support System: A big step in reaching out to the distressed

A unified emergency response number was the need of the hour not only to end the confusion amongst distress callers but to make the system faster and efficient.

National Initiatives

e-Pramaan: A National Authentication Service along with Aadhaar

Here comes a multifactor centralized authentication mechanism to provide a standard based highly secure identity management system for the integrated services.

National Initiatives

m-Consultation through e-Sushrut Integrated Mobile App

In light of the current crisis where the greater challenge is to contain the pandemic through social distancing and being indoors, m-Consultation has become the need of the hour.

National Initiatives

Central Dashboard: Performance Indicator of Drugs Supply Chain at National level in MoHFW, GoI

A centralized platform to manage the Drugs and Vaccine Distribution Management System operating at the state level will improve transparency, increase chances of availability at the right time and minimize wastage.

National Initiatives

e-RaktKosh (Centralized Blood Bank Management System)

These are unusual times where special efforts are required to maintain the uninterrupted flow of vital services across the country. C-DAC’s e-RaktKosh is an endeavour in the same direction.
