Web Application Security Assessment FramEwork - WebSAFE

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Web Application Security Assessment FramEwork - WebSAFE

Web Application Security Assessment FramEwork - WebSAFE

WebSAFE is a comprehensive, OWASP Complaint, extensive and powerful web based assessment framework to cater to all security assessment needs of a web application. Developed in utmost need of the hour, where generic and lucid results of the product speaks the most about security, and relates well to the vulnerability assessment of the target application.

WebSAFE aims at a one stop Vulnerability Assessment(VA) Solution, that is open source and takes minimal set of inputs from the users. What brings in a major breakthrough with the product is – the open source tools integration, a well versed knowledge base, and least false positives in the VA findings. The framework is user friendly, provide the best generic results, gives a crisp, lucid report that clearly explains the security flaws addressed and provides with the workarounds to the findings.

WebSAFE intends to promote and create awareness about the nature of security among the individuals, institutions, organizations, and the industry, who think that security is the last thing to do, whereas, its a gradual and continuous process. It helps organizations to detect vulnerabilities in web applications hosted by them before proceeding for security test certification.

Security Issues Addressed

Salient Features & Benefits

User agencies (sectors) to whom the solution is relevant

Any Organization hosting web applications, like Defense Services, Government Organizations, academic institutions, Banking industry, telecommunications, industries etc.,


Click here to download the WebSAFE Brochure (FIle Format : PDF)
